Project Phoenix

About Project Phoenix

Project Phoenix is a privately funded, research project aimed at searching for evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. It is run by the SETI Institute which is based in California, USA.

Project Phoenix was operating with the Parkes 64-metre radiotelescope during January-June, 1995. The specialised observing equipment has now been removed from the telescope and Parkes has resumed normal astronomy observations. The result? No signals of extraterrestrial origin were detected.

The observations were, however, regarded as successful, since the equipment performed very well and there were no false alarms or signals whose origin could not be positively identified.

Project Phoenix will resume in the northern hemisphere at the Arecibo Observatory.

Technical information on the Project Phoenix hardware and observing program in Australia is available, and the SETI Institute has a Phoenix in Oz page with many pretty (and large) pictures.

This page is maintained by Sebastian Juraszek
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