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Customisation - .asaprc

ASAP use an .asaprc file to control the user's preference of default values for various functions arguments. This includes the defaults for arguments such as insitu, scantable freqframe and the plotters set_mode values. The help on individual functions says which arguments can be set default values from the .asaprc file. To get a sample contents for the .asaprc file use then command list_rcparameters.

Common values include:

  # apply operations on the input scantable or return new one
  insitu                     : False

  # default output format when saving scantable             : 'ASAP'

  # default frequency frame to set when function
  # scantable.set_freqframe is called
  scantable.freqframe        : 'LSRK'

  # auto averaging on read
  scantable.autoaverage      : True

For a complete list of .asaprc values, see the appendix.

Malte Marquarding 2005-11-30