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Time average separate scans

If you have observed the source with multiple source/reference cycles you will want to scan-average the quotient spectra together.

 ASAP> av = average_time(q)

If for some you want to average multiple sets of scantables together you can:

 ASAP> av = average_time(q1, q2, q3)

The default is to use integration time weighting. The alternative is to use none, variance , Tsys weighting or Tsys & integration time.

 ASAP> av = average_time(q, weight='tintsys')

To use variance based weighting, you need to supply a mask saying which channel range you want it to calculate the variance from.

 ASAP> msk = scans.create_mask([200,400],[600,800])
 ASAP> av = average_time(scans, mask=msk, weight='var')

Malte Marquarding 2005-11-30