
ASAP has built in help for all functions. To get a list of functions type:


To get help on specific functions, the built in help needs to be given the object and function name. E.g.

  ASAP>help scantable.get_scan # or help(scantable.get_scan)
  ASAP>help scantable.stats
  ASAP>help plotter.plot
  ASAP>help fitter.plot

  ASAP>scans = scantable('mydata.asap')
  ASAP>help scans.get_scan # Same as above

Global functions just need their name

  ASAP>help average_time

Note that if you just type help the internal ipython help is invoked, which is probably not what you want. Type ^-d (control-d) to escape from this.

Malte Marquarding 2007-08-16