Auto quotient

Quotients can be computed ``automatically''. This requires the data to have matching source/reference pairs or one reference for multiple sources. Auto quotient assumes reference scans have a trailing ``_R'' in the source name for data from Parkes and Mopra, and a trailing ``e'' or ``w'' for data from Tidbinbilla. This functions has two modes. paired (the default), which assumes matching adjacent pairs of source/reference scans and time, which finds the closest reference scan in time.

  ASAP>q = s.auto_quotient()

By default the quotient spectra is calculated to preserve continuum emission. If you wish to remove the continuum contribution, use the preserve argument:

 ASAP>q = s.auto_quotient(preserve=True)

If this is not sufficient the following alternative method can be used.

Malte Marquarding 2007-08-16