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  1. After the first run of CLCAL on a group of SN tables, it will issue a message reminding you that you have already applied the SN table(s) once. This is normal and nothing to worry about.
  2. You should now self-calibrate the calibrators as a check. Recall that you have generated one solution per antenna averaged over some time interval (probably a scan average). You are now going to apply that solution to the individual visibilities that made up that scan. First self-calibrate the primary calibrator, and then the secondaries.

    Type GO ATCLCAL and the calibrator (do both primary and secondaries) has been self-calibrated. You can write the solutions of as many sources as you like to the same CL table (usually tables 2).

    inname,inclass,inseq,indisk Fill in for averaged data base
    sources='0121-43',' ' Select sources to calibrate by name
    soucode='S' and/or select by source code
    calsour='0121-43' Select desired calibrators by name
    calcode='S' and/or calibrator code
    freqid=3 One freqid per run
    timerang=0 Select time range
    interpol='self' Select self-calibration
    snver=0 All SN tables or select
    gainver=0 Apply solutions to CL table 1
    gainuse=0 Write to CL table 2
    refant=3 Select ref. antenna same as in CALIB

  3. Now you must calibrate the program sources.

    Leave all the other adverbs as they were for the self-calibration of the calibrators, and run ATCLCAL again. This writes the interpolated solutions into the selected CL table (usually version 2).

    inname,inclass,inseq,indisk Fill in for averaged data base
    sources='0155-48','0101-25',' ' Select sources to calibrate by name
    soucode=' ' and/or select by source code
    calsour='0121-43' Select desired calibrators by name
    calcode='S' and/or calibrator code
    freqid=3 One freqid per run
    timerang=0 Select time range
    interpol='2pt' Select interpolated calibration
    snver=0 All SN tables or select
    gainver=0 Apply solutions to CL table 1
    gainuse=0 Write to CL table 2
    refant=3 Select ref. antenna same as in CALIB

  4. Run ATCLCAL as many times are as needed to get through all the different selection criteria you have. For example, with ATCA data you will need to run it for each of the freqids separately (but always writing CL table 2). If you have more secondaries and program sources, run it for each combination of these.

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