Using CASApy

CASA is the Common Astronomy Software Applications package provided by NRAO. The current implementation presents its functionality through a python user interface, casa.

  • edit your ~/.login.packages file, turn on the 'casa' package
  • login to a 64-bit Linux machine (eg. 'cetus', 'draco')
  • The command:
    % which casa
    should return: /usr/local/bin/casa
  • Run:
    % casa
    and the casa GUI should appear.

CASA is being upgraded fairly freqently; if you want to run a different version than the current 'stable' one, look for the available versions by running
% /usr/local/bin/casa -l
For help, try
% /usr/local/bin/casa -h

This package does not have any support arrangements at present (2021-Jan). Best-effort help is available from the local computing staff. The NRAO cookbook is available in /nfs/casa.
