COLA recipes

What follows is a complete GIPSY task written in COLA. The first part is documentation. Further it contains information about how to read data from a text file, from the header of a set and from a GDS table. Also information can be found about the manipulation of strings. It writes GPLOT commands to a text file and after all the commands are written, GPLOT is started to read the commands from the file just created. At the end of the program, a system call to start an external PostScript viewer is described.

!                            COPYRIGHT (c) 1997
!                      Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
!                University of Groningen, The Netherlands
!                           All Rights Reserved.
!#>             atlas.dc1
!Program:       atlas
!Purpose:       Plot panels with data of a galaxy with given UGC number.
!Category:      PLOTTING
!File:          atlas.col
!Author:        M.G.R. Vogelaar
!**LOGFILE=     Do you want messages in your log file?             [Y]/N
!               Default a lot of messages will be displayed in your
!               log file. Most messages are generated by other
!               applications that are started by this COLA file.
!               You can suppress these messages if you type
!               WHISPLOT LOGFILE=NO
!  UGCNR=       Enter UGC number:                        [Abort program]
!               Enter the UGC number of the galaxy of which you want
!               a panel plot. These UGC numbers are asked in a loop.
!               The loop is aborted by pressing carriage return.
!               Pending graphics of the first page half will not be
!               written if NEWPAGE=N (default) was entered.
!               See 'Description' to see which sets & files are needed
!               to make a complete panel of plots.
!  STANDARD=    Do you want a standard UGC plot?                   [Y]/N
!               Default is a half page mosaic with 6 panels containing 
!               the characteristics of a galaxy. The alternative
!               (STANDARD=N) is a half page overview for the UGC number.
!               Overview mosaics are usually plotted for an UGC number 
!               that is associated with more than one PGC number.
!               the PGC number part in the default file names are
!               replaced by 'OVERV'.
!  PGCOK=       Plot PGC .....?                                    [Y]/N
!               For each UGC number there is a text file on disk 
!               (uXXXX-galaxies.list) which contains one or more 
!               PGC numbers. A mosaic is made for each PGC number that
!               enters the list with PGCOK=Y
!  NEWPAGE=     New page after first page half?                    Y/[N]
!               Force an output with only one page half filled.
!  GPLOTFILE=   GPLOT input file:                 [Generated by program]
!               This COLA program generates a so called 'input file'
!               for GPLOT with all the necessary plot commands. After
!               a name is entered, the program starts GPLOT which 
!               reads its commands from this file and writes its output
!               to a PostScript file with the name entered in PSFILE=
!  OVERWRITE=   File [GP ..... .txt] exists. Overwrite?            Y/[N]
!               This prompt is generated if you specified a file name
!               in GPLOTFILE= that already exists. 
!  PSFILE=      PostScript output file:           [Generated by program]
!  GRDEVICE=    Enter GPLOT device:                           [PCPSFILE]
!               The destination of the plot. Input is the same as 
!               other GRDEVICE= keywords in GIPSY. If you write
!               to a PostScript file( e.g. PCPSFILE), you can 
!               view the result (using Ghostview or Ghostscript) before 
!               sending it to a printer. Note that the optical image is 
!               a colour image, so the device must be a colour device.
!               However a colour PostScript file can be send to a 
!               black and white printer.
!Description:   The program plots a mosaic of plots that contain information
!               about a galaxy. Per galaxy there are two rows of three plots
!               and there are panels of two galaxies on one page.
!               There is a loop over UGC numbers (UGCNR=). For each UGC number 
!               there is one, or more than one, PCG (Paturel Galaxy Catalog)
!               number. For each PCG number a mosaic will be plotted. 
!               The PCG numbers are extracted from an external ASCII file.
!               The name of that file is always "uXXXX-galaxies.list"
!               where XXXX is the UGC number. For each PGC number the
!               user is asked to confirm or reject the entry PGCOK=.
!               If the list with PGC numbers does not exist, the program
!               is aborted.
!               Two PCG numbers will fill a page. For each (PostScript) page
!               a name is created for the PostScript file (name starts 
!               with PS) and for the GPLOT input file (starts with GP).
!               The rest of the name contains the UGC and PGC numbers of
!               the objects that are plotted. An example of a GPLOT file
!               name is 'GPu9211p51357u9210p51358.txt'. The defaults 
!               can be changed with keywords GPLOTFILE= and PSFILE=.
!               Usually the mosaics
!               contain standard plots like the optical image , a HI map,
!               a velocity field etc., but the user can also select an
!               overview of an UGC number (STANDARD=N). This is also a 
!               mosaic which occupies half a page, but another set of 
!               keywords is asked to create the panels.
!               The standard page half consists of 6 plots. All plots 
!               need a source name. Sometimes this is the name of a 
!               GIPSY set, sometimes it is an ASCII file. First the 
!               program checks which files are available. In the next table 
!               a listing is made which files are necessary:
!               First an UGC 
!               number is required. With this number all the necessary 
!               filenames are generated. Below is a list with the plot 
!               contents ('XXXX' is the UGC number and YYYYY is the PGC 
!               number). Only the HI image is required. The other data
!               is optional.
!               row col         filename/set          description
!               ================================================================
!               1   1           uXXXXopt              optical image
!                          or:  .optical/ugcXXXX.fits
!               1   2           uXXXXs30-2dim 0       Total HI, 30 arcsec, col. map
!                          and: uXXXXs30-2dim 8       SNR levels for mask
!               1   3           uXXXXs30-2dim 1       I.W.M vel, 30 arc., col
!               2   1           fluxXXXXs60han.dat    global profile
!               2   2           uXXXXs30-2dim 9       continuum
!               2   3           uXXXXs30xvYYYYY 0     XV map
!               The box for the optical/HI/I.W.M vel and continuum images
!               is the same. This box is set only once and stored in the
!               header of the HI set.
!               The colour settings can be adjusted separately for both
!               total HI data and the i.w.m velocity. 
!               The optical image is obtained from a Digitized Sky Survey 
!               FITS file. This file must be in a subdirectory 'optical'
!               and has name ugcXXXX.fits (e.g.ugc9211.fits).
!               This is an example of the contents of a so called
!               'info file', e.g. u9211p51358info.txt.
!               The file is created by some other program and contains
!               the title of the plot (displayed at the top left), the 
!               beam sizes, the channel separation (used to plot a beam 
!               in the XV plot).
!               !-----------------------INFO FILE----------------------------
!               !
!               ! Example of an info file. Comments must start with a '!' as
!               ! the FIRST character of a line
!               !
!               !------------------------------------------------------------
!               ! Name for title at top of plot
!               TITLE=UGC 9211
!               ! Beam minor axis in ARCSEC
!               BMMINFULL=11.5
!               ! Major axis
!               BMMAJFULL=16.1
!               ! For 30'' resolution
!               BMMIN30=29.7
!               BMMAJ30=30.1
!               ! Channel separation in KM/S
!               CHSEP=4.15
!               ! Ellipse parameters: inclination, position angle and major axis.
!               ! Major axis of overlay ellipse always in ARCMIN
!               ELLMAJ=1.0
!               ELLPA=30.0
!               ! Inclination determines length of minor axis
!               ELLINC=40.0
!               ! Optical centre used to centre ellipse in continuum plot
!               ! Note that this position follows the GIPSY convention for positions
!               RAOPT=* 15 41 22
!               DECOPT=* 67 24 30
!               GALTYPE=SC
!               ! System velocity always in KM/S
!               VSYS=425.0
!               The colours of the HI map at 30'' is set by GIDS unless 
!               colours were stored in the header of this set (at set level).
!               The HI 30'' set is modified by transferring all data
!               greater then a certain signal to noise level. The snr levels
!               are stored in subset 8 of the 2-dim map.
!               The global profile data is read from a file named:
!               fluxuXXXXs60hanpYYYYY.dat. If the PGC number is not available,
!               the name without the p-extension is used. The data in this
!               file is in the format x, y. The data in the y array is
!               multiplied with 5.0 to scale from W.U. to mJy's.
!               The XV map is named uXXXXs30xvYYYYY. Note that the character
!               'p' is omitted. The map must be extracted at DEC equal to 0.
!Updates:       Jun 6,  1997: VOG, Document created

string   setname(9)                     !
string   tempname
string   plotid(9)                      ! Identification for use in prompt
string   ugcnr                          ! UGC number as strings
string   pgcnr(20)                      ! Max. number of PGC nr's per UGC is 20
string   gplotfile                      ! Name of GPLOT Ascii file
string   galaxylist                     ! Name of list with galaxy info
string   infofile                       ! Plot text from this file below plots
string   line                           ! One line from galaxylist file
string   progname                       ! Name of this COLA file
string   set                            ! setname without subset info
string   boxstr                         ! Box info from table in header
string   plottitle(9)                   ! Title above each plot
string   toptitle                       ! Title above panel
string   grdevice                       ! Name of GPLOT plot device
string   axdeltaX                       ! Value and units of delta in major ticks
string   axdeltaY
string   axposX                         ! Position of first label along X
string   axposY
string   axformX                        ! Format for axis labels
string   axformY
string   axtitleX                       ! Label title
string   axtitleY
string*20   offunits                       ! Units along XV's offset axis
string*20   velunits
string*20   unitsdelta
string*20   unitspos
string   defstr                         ! A string for defaults
string   tmpset                         ! Temp. set to store SNR correlated IWMV/tHI data
string   basename                       ! Base name for temp. sets
string   clipstr                        ! Default clip for HI plots
string   psfile                         ! Name of PostScript result
string   infoitem(10)                   ! Names of info items from info file
string   infocont(10)                   ! Text of those items
string   substr                         ! Dummy part of a string
string   keyword                        ! Keyword from info file
string   fitsfile                       ! get optical image from fits file
string     psviewer
string*256 copyline                     ! Copy (long) lines from temp file to GPLOT file
string     levels
string     galtype
string     xrange, yrange
string*20  infokey(10) 
string     yp

logical  exist(9)                       ! Can set/files be opened?
logical  gplotfileexist 
logical  galaxylistexist                ! Do these files exist?
logical  fromheader                     ! Is a (header) table available?
logical  foundPGC                       ! Is a PGC number found in Ascii file?
logical  foundkey                       ! found a matching keyword in info file
logical  morelines                      ! Are there more lines to read?
logical  lg, fileexist, ok, overwrite   ! result values
logical  pgcok                          ! Want to plot this PCG?
logical  viewps                         ! Start ghostview?
logical  logfile                        ! Display log file messages?
logical  newpage                        ! New page after one galaxy?
logical  stopprogram
logical  standard
logical  plotmade
logical  first

integer  tempfile                       ! temporary text file for GPLOT input
integer  datfile
integer  r                              ! result value
integer  gpfp                           ! Pointer to GPLOT Ascii file
integer  galfp                          ! Pointer to galaxy list file
integer  infofp                         ! Pointer to info file
integer  subsets(1024)                  ! Max. number of input subsets
integer  nsubs                          ! Number of input subsets
integer  setlevel                       ! Top header level
integer  pn                             ! One dim. plot number
integer  pp                             ! 1-dim plot position (as pn)
integer  subnr                          ! A subset
integer  gplotoutput                    ! The log file info destination
integer  i                              ! counter
integer  numlines                       ! info lines read from 'info' file
integer  len1, len2                     ! Length of strings
integer  maxinfolines                   ! Max. number of lines from info file
integer  numPGC
integer  pagehalf                       ! Two panel plots on one page
integer  panelnr
integer  col, row
integer  ch                             ! Character counter
integer  n
integer  numkeys
integer  keynr

real     x, y                           ! positions in plot n mm
real     xoff
real     xstart, ystart                 ! Start pos. of first plot in mm
real     xgap, ygap                     ! Space between plots in mm
real     Xsizeplot, Ysizeplot           ! Width and height of panels in mm
real     chtoplabel, chlabels           ! Character heights in mm
real     chplottitle                    ! Titles above plot
real     chinfo                         ! Char. height of info text
real     chinfospace                    ! Space in mm between these lines
real     charrow
real     xmargin, ymargin               ! Space between plot and frame
real     titlegap                       ! Space between frame and plot title
real     colbarheight                   ! Height of colour bar in mm
real     colbarwidth                    ! Width of colour bar in mm
real     snr
real     snrHI                          ! Threshold for total HI maps
real     snrIWM                         ! Threshold for IWM vel maps
real     datamin                        ! Default values for clip in HI plots
real     datamax
real     fctor                          ! scaling factor for global profile
real     beamDx, beamDy                 ! Number between 0 and 1 which sets
                                        ! the offset of the center of a beam
                                        ! in terms of 'xsize' and 'ysize'
                                        ! wrt. the lower left corner of a plot
real     A4Xsize                        ! Sizes of A4 in mm
real     A4Ysize
real     A4Xmargin                      ! Bottom and top margin for a page half
real     A4Ymargin
real     plotdeltaX                     ! Variable used yo center plots
real     plotdeltaY
real     levstep
real     numlevels
real     xdatmax , xdatmin
real     ydatmax , ydatmin
real     xdat , ydat

double   bmmin                          ! Minor axis beam 
double   bmmaj                          ! Major
double   chsep                          ! Channel separation in km/s
double   ellinc
double   ellpa
double   ellmaj, ellmin
double   vsys
double   scale                          ! scaling factor from wu to nHI
double   cdelt1, cdelt2
double   crval1, crval2
double   raopt, decopt
double   keycon(9)

! Miscellaneous constants
progname   = "ATLAS"          ! Name of this program
setlevel   = 0                ! For header items on top level
snr        = 3.0
snrIWM     = 3.0              ! Default clip for Intensity weighted mean velocity
snrHI      = 3.0              ! Default clip for Total HI maps

tempname   = "dummygplot.txt"
A4Ysize    = 296.5
A4Xsize    = 209.5
A4Xmargin  = 25.0
A4Ymargin  = 8.0
xmargin    = 1.0
ymargin    = 1.0
Xsizeplot  = 45.0
Ysizeplot  = 45.0
plotdeltaX = 15.0
plotdeltaY = 12.0
titlegap   = 2.0

chtoplabel  = 4.0             ! Character heights in mm
chlabels    = 2.0             ! Physical coordinate labels along the axes
chplottitle = 2.2             ! Titles above each plot
chinfo      = 3.3             ! Text character height info file lines
chinfospace = 0.9             ! Space in mm between lines from info text file
charrow     = 8.0

plotid(1)  = "Opt."
plotid(2)  = "HI30''"
plotid(3)  = "Vel.field"
plotid(4)  = ""
plotid(5)  = "Continuum"
plotid(6)  = "XV"

plottitle(1) = "Optical"
plottitle(2) = "Total HI (30 arcsec res.)"
plottitle(3) = "I.w.m. velocity (30 arcsec res.)"
plottitle(4) = "Global HI profile"
plottitle(5) = "Continuum (30 arcsec res.)"
plottitle(6) = "Pos.-vel. plot along major axis"

toptitle  = ""
psviewer  = "gv"

beamDx    = 0.9
beamDy    = 0.1
numlevels = 10

infokey(1) = "BMMIN30="
infokey(2) = "BMMAJ30="
infokey(3) = "RAOPT="
infokey(4) = "DECOPT="
infokey(5) = "ELLINC= "
infokey(6) = "ELLPA="
infokey(7) = "ELLMAJ="
infokey(8) = "VSYS="
infokey(9) = "CHSEP="
numkeys = 9

! Set output level for log file info
r = setdef( 2 )           ! Set default level to hidden
logfile = false
read "Do you want GPLOT output messages?    Y/[N]" logfile
if (logfile) then
   gplotoutput = 3
   gplotoutput = 0
r = setdef( 1 )

pagehalf = 1

! File names that are used to plot data all have 
! an UGC (or PGC) number in it. Start the program by
! asking this UGC number. 
   ugcnr = ""
   read "Enter UGC number:    [Abort program]" ugcnr
   cancel ugcnr
   if (len(ugcnr) = 0) then

   ! Does HI-30'' set exists?
   pn = 2 
   setname(pn) = "u%ugcnr_s30-2dim"
   exist(pn) = exists(setname(pn))

   if (not exist(pn)) then
      write "[%progname] Set %setname(pn) cannot be opened! Aborting program..."
      pn = 3
      setname(pn) = setname(2)
      exist(pn) = exists(setname(pn))
      pn = 5
      setname(pn) = setname(2)
      exist(pn) = exists(setname(pn))      

   ! Does optical set exists?
   pn = 1
   setname(pn) = "u%ugcnr_opt"              ! A 2-dim set
   exist(pn) = exists( setname(pn) )
   if (not exist(pn)) then
      write "[%progname] Could not find set [%setname(pn)], start program DSSLOAD"
      fitsfile = "./optical/ugc%ugcnr.fits"
      if (not existf(fitsfile)) then
         write "[%progname] Could not find fits file [%fitsfile]"
         tmpset = "u%ugcnr_opttmp"
        "DSSLOAD FILENAME=%fitsfile OUTSET=%tmpset"
         ! reproject to sky system of HI-30''
         r = rhead( "%setname(2)", 0, "CRVAL1", crval1 )
         r = rhead( "%setname(2)", 0, "CRVAL2", crval2 )
                OUTPOS=U %crval1 U %crval2 CDELT= 
                SKYSYS=1 EPOCH=1950 PROSYS=8 CROTA=0.0 OUTBOX=
                SPEEDMAT= DATAMODE= OUTSET=u%ugcnr_opt"
        "DELETE INSET=%tmpset; OK=Y;"
         exist(pn) = exists( setname(pn) )
         if (exist(pn)) then
            nsubs = getsas( "%setname(pn)", set, subsets )
            exist(pn) = (nsubs > 0)
            if (not exist(pn)) then
               write "[%progname] Something wrong with set [%setname(pn)]"

   standard = true
   read "Do you want a standard plot?    [Y]/N" standard
   cancel standard
   ! Open file uXXXX-galaxies.list (XXXX=is the actual 
   ! UGC number) to extract PGC number(s).
   ! For each PGC entry that is found in the file,
   ! the user can reject the number. The number of
   ! PGC numbers determine how many (sub) loops
   ! there are for one UGC number. Check the existence
   ! of the 'galaxy list'.
   galaxylist = "u%ugcnr_-galaxies.list"
   galaxylistexist = existf( galaxylist )
   if (not galaxylistexist) then
      write "[%progname] Could not open galaxy list [%galaxylist]"
      write "therefore no PGC number(s) could be found. Aborting program!"

   if (not standard) then
      ! There are no PGC numbers from a galaxy list but 
      ! an overview is wanted. Substitute for this 
      ! overview the PGC number 'OVERV' and the number 
      ! of PGC numbers 1.
      numPGC = 1
      pgcnr(1) = "OVERV"
      ! The file is found, now read the lines and extract 
      ! the PGC number(s).
      i = 1
      galfp = fopen( galaxylist, "r" )
         pgcnr(i) = ""
         r = fread( galfp, line )
         morelines = (r >= 0)
         if (morelines) then
            foundPGC = ( "PGC" = substr1(line, 1) )
            if (foundPGC) then                    
               pgcnr(i) = substr1(line, 2)
               pgcok = true
               read "Plot PGC %pgcnr(i)?    [Y]/N" pgcok
               cancel pgcok               
               if (pgcok) then
                  i = i + 1
                  pgcnr(i) = ""
      until (not morelines)
      r = fclose( galfp )            ! Close galaxy list
      numPGC = i - 1                 ! The number of selected PGC galaxies
      ! Generate some output for control
      if (numPGC < 1) then
         write "[%progname] Could not find any PGC numbers. The program is aborted!"
         write "[%progname] You selected the following PGC number(s):"
         for i = 1, numPGC
            write "%pgcnr(i)"
   cif                    ! End PGC loop == not an overview
   ! Start a loop over all the PGC numbers. For each
   ! number a number of keywords must be specified 
   ! before a 'half page' plot is made.
   for i = 1, numPGC      
      if (pagehalf = 1) then 
         ! Open a temporary file. Write all GPLOT commands 
         ! to this file. Rename it later with unique name.
         tempfile = fopen( tempname, "w" )
         if (tempfile < 0) then                            ! Can file be opened?
            write "[%progname] Cannot open dummy text file! Aborting program..."
      if (not standard) then
         ! Plot a special overview panel. Note that for an
         ! overview: numPGC=1  
         ! Before we can plot any frames, we have to know 
         ! what the box is. The box is the same for all the
         ! plots with spatial axes so we have to set it
         ! only once. This is done by displaying the total
         ! HI map (at 30'') and starting program 
         ! MINBOX -the map is usually the result of MOMENTS
         ! and therefore the subset number for this map is 0.
         ! Then the box is stored as a string
         ! in a table in the descriptor of this HI set.
         ! If this COLA file encounters a box description 
         ! in its header, then it will prompt with this value 
         ! as default.
         subnr = 0
         boxstr = "-10 -10 10 10"
         pn = 2
         nsubs = getsas( "%setname(pn) %subnr", set, subsets )
         if (not (nsubs > 0)) then
            write "[%progname] Something wrong with set [%setname(pn) %subnr]"
            fromheader = (existt( setname(pn), subsets(1), "MBOX") > 0)
            boxstr = ""
            if (fromheader) then
               r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "MBOX", "MINBOX", boxstr, 1, 1 )
               fromheader = (len(boxstr) > 0)
               if (fromheader) then
                  read "%Plotid(2): Retrieve BOX from this header?   [Y]/N" fromheader
                  cancel fromheader
            if (not fromheader) then
              ! Let MINBOX write a box string in this header.
              "VIEW INSET=%setname(pn) %subnr"
              "MINBOX INSET=%setname(pn) %subnr  OUTSET= SQUARE=yes"
               r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "MBOX", "MINBOX", boxstr, 1, 1 )
            ! Purify this string
            boxstr = substr2( boxstr, 1, len(boxstr) )
            ! String 'boxstr' contains description of current 
            ! box, and is a global variable for a couple of 
            ! panel plots.
         ! We have defined a box now and want to plot frames 
         ! around the plots where both axes are spatial. 
         ! There is a default labeling, but usually the 
         ! user wants to adjust this. If a frame is set up, 
         ! the characteristics are stored in the header of 
         ! the 30 '' HI set.
         axdeltaX = ""
         axdeltaY = ""
         axposX   = ""
         axposY   = ""
         axformX  = ""
         axformY  = ""
         axtitleX = ""
         axtitleY = ""
         if (exist(pn)) then
            fromheader = (existt(setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES") > 0)
            if (fromheader) then
               ok = true
               read "%Plotid(pn): Retrieve AXIS properties from header?:  [Y]/N" ok
               cancel ok
               if (ok) then
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTX", axdeltaX, 1, 1 )
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTY", axdeltaY, 1, 1 )
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSX",  axposX,   1, 1 )
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSY",  axposY,   1, 1 )
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMX", axformX,  1, 1 )
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMY", axformY,  1, 1 )
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITX",  axtitleX, 1, 1 )
                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITY",  axtitleY, 1, 1 )
               r = list( 0 )
              "GPLOT COMMAND=device x11;inset %setname(pn) %subnr;box %boxstr;autoscale;
               axdelta %axdeltaX;axpos %axposX;axform %axformX;axis bp;axtitle %axtitleX;
               axdelta %axdeltaY;axpos %axposY;axform %axformY;axis lp;axtitle %axtitleY;axis t;axis r;quit"
               r = list( 1 )
               ok = true
               read "Labels etc. ok?               [Y]/N" ok
               cancel ok
               if (not ok) then
                  defstr = substr2(axdeltaX, 1, len(axdeltaX) )
                  read "Give delta(+units) for X-axis labeling:  [%defstr]" axdeltaX
                  cancel axdeltaX
                  defstr = substr2(axposX, 1, len(axposX) )
                  read "Give position of 1th X-axis label:  [%defstr]" axposX
                  cancel axposX
                  defstr = substr2(axformX, 1, len(axformX) )
                  read "Give format of X-axis labels:  [%defstr]" axformX
                  cancel axformX
                  defstr = substr2(axtitleX, 1, len(axtitleX) )
                  read "Give title along X-axis:  [%defstr]" axtitleX
                  cancel axtitleX
                  defstr = substr2(axdeltaY, 1, len(axdeltaY) )
                  read "Give delta(+units) for Y-axis labeling:  [%defstr]" axdeltaY
                  cancel axdeltaY
                  defstr = substr2(axposY, 1, len(axposY) )
                  read "Give position of 1th Y-axis label:  [%defstr]" axposY
                  cancel axposY
                  defstr = substr2(axformY, 1, len(axformY) )
                  read "Give format of Y-axis labels:  [%defstr]" axformY
                  cancel axformY
                  defstr = substr2(axtitleY, 1, len(axtitleY) )
                  read "Give title along Y-axis:  [%defstr]" axtitleY
                  cancel axtitleY
            until (ok)
            ! Store these values in the header
            if (fromheader) then
               r = deletet( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES" )
            r = len( axdeltaX )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTX", "CHAR%r",
                         "Space between major tickmarks in X", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTX", axdeltaX, 1, 1 )
            r = len( axposX )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSX", "CHAR%r",
                         "Position of first (complete) label in X", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSX", axposX, 1, 1 )
            r = len( axformX )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMX", "CHAR%r",
                         "Format of the labels in X", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMX", axformX, 1, 1 )
            r = len( axtitleX )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITX", "CHAR%r",
                         "Title along X-axis", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITX", axtitleX, 1, 1 )
            r = len( axdeltaY )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTY", "CHAR%r",
                         "Space between major tickmarks in Y", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTY", axdeltaY, 1, 1 )
            r = len( axposY )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSY", "CHAR%r",
                         "Position of first (complete) label in Y", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSY", axposY, 1, 1 )
            r = len( axformY )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMY", "CHAR%r",
                         "Format of the labels in Y", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMY", axformY, 1, 1 )
            r = len( axtitleY )
            r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITY", "CHAR%r",
                         "Title along Y-axis", " " )
            r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITY", axtitleY, 1, 1 )

         ! Open the info file and store its contents
         ! The info file (e.g. u9211p51358info.txt) contains
         ! both the UGC and the PGC number
         infofile = "u%ugcnr_p%pgcnr(i)_info.txt"
         numlines = 0
         toptitle= "?"
         if ( NOT existf(infofile) ) then
            write "[%progname] File [%infofile] does not exist. Defaults substituted!"
            infofp = fopen( infofile, "r" )
            write "[%progname] Reading additional information from file [%infofile]"
            i = 1   
               r = fread( infofp, line ) 
               morelines = (r >= 0)
               if (morelines) then
                  foundkey = false
                  ! If a string starts with a '!' then it is comment.
                  if (substr2(line, 1, 1) = "!") then
                     foundkey = true
                     len2 = len( line )
                  if (not foundkey) then
                     keyword = "TITLE="
                     len1 = len( keyword )                  
                     substr = substr2( line, 1, len1 )
                     if (substr = keyword ) then
                        foundkey = true   
                        toptitle = substr2( line, len1+1, len2-len1 )
                  if (not foundkey) then
                     keyword = "GALTYPE="
                     len1 = len( keyword )
                     substr = substr2( line, 1, len1 )
                     if (substr = keyword ) then
                        foundkey = true
                        galtype = substr2( line, len1+1, len2-len1 )
                        galtype = substr2( galtype, 1, len(galtype) )

                  ! Read the numbers
                  if (not foundkey) then
                     keynr = 1                  
                        len1 = len( infokey(keynr) )
                        substr = substr2( line, 1, len1 )
                        if (substr = infokey(keynr) ) then
                           foundkey = true
                           substr = substr2(line, len1+1, len2-len1)
                           keycon(keynr) = atof( substr2(line, len1+1, len2-len1) )
                        if (foundkey) then
                           write "%infokey(keynr)_%keycon(keynr)"
                        keynr = keynr + 1
                     until (foundkey or (keynr > numkeys))
                  if (foundkey) then
            until (not morelines)
            r = fclose( infofp )
            numlines = i - 1
            bmmin  = keycon(1)
            bmmaj  = keycon(2)
            raopt  = keycon(3)
            decopt = keycon(4)
            ellinc = keycon(5)
            ellpa  = keycon(6)
            ellmaj = keycon(7)
            ellmin = ellmaj*COS(RAD(ellinc))
            vsys   = keycon(8)
            chsep  = keycon(9)            

         ! Plot a label at the top: Overview galaxy .....
!         x = A4Xmargin + plotdeltaX+Xsizeplot + Xsizeplot/2.0
!         y = A4Ymargin + plotdeltaY+2.0*Ysizeplot + plotdeltaY/2.0
!         if (pagehalf = 1) then
!            y = y + 2.0 * (plotdeltaY+Ysizeplot) + plotdeltaY/2.0
!         cif
!         read "Enter title of plot: [%toptitle_]" toptitle
!         cancel toptitle
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "mm" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x, %y" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 0.5" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "lwidth 2" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chtoplabel" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "text %toptitle" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 0.0" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "lwidth 1" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chlabels" )
!         r = fwrite( tempfile, "world" )

         ! Standard 'atlas' plot
         for panelnr = 1, 6
            plotmade = false
            if (panelnr < 4) then
               row = 1
               col = panelnr
               row = 2
               col = panelnr - 3

            x = A4Xmargin + (col-1.0) * (plotdeltaX+Xsizeplot)
            y = A4Ymargin + (2.0-row) * (plotdeltaY+Ysizeplot)               
            if (pagehalf = 1) then
               y = y + 2.0 * (plotdeltaY+Ysizeplot) + plotdeltaY/2.0
            r = fwrite( tempfile, "location %x %y" )
            r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chlabels" )
            pn = panelnr
            levels = ""            
            if (pn = 1 and exist(1) ) then               
               write "[%progname] Plot %pn is set [%setname(pn)], title: %plottitle(pn)"
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "inset %setname(pn)" )
               ! Box for this optical image is the same (in phys. coords. as HI maps
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "box %boxstr" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "xsize %Xsizeplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "ysize %Ysizeplot" )   
               fromheader = (existt(setname(pn), 0, "LUTS") > 3)
               if (fromheader) then
                  read "%Plotid(pn): Retrieve colour lut from header?  [Y]/N" fromheader 
                  cancel fromheader
               if (not fromheader) then
                  "VIEW INSET=%setname(pn) BOX=%boxstr"
                  "GPLOT COMMAND=device null;inset %setname(pn);pause;getlut;storelut;quit"
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "getlut header" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "colplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axdelta %axdeltaX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axpos %axposX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axformat %axformX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis bp" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle %axtitleX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axdelta %axdeltaY" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axpos %axposY" )   
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axformat %axformY" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis lp" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle %axtitleY" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis t" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis r" )            
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "mm" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 1.0" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x+%Ysizeplot %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chplottitle" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "text %plottitle(pn)" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 0.0" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chtoplabel" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "lwidth 2" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "text %toptitle" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "lwidth 1" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chlabels" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour background")
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "fastyle 1" )  ! solid
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x+2.0 %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap-5.0" )               
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "rectangle 15 3.5" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x+3.0 %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap-4.0" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour foreground")
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "text type: %galtype" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "world" )
               plotmade = true
            cif       ! panelnr one
            if ( (pn = 2 or pn = 3 or pn = 5) and exist(2) ) then
               ! The colours in the HI 30'' are set by GIDS. The 
               ! colour properties are stored in the header of 
               ! the total HI at 30'' resolution at subset level
               ! The I.W.M vel map is treated the same way.
               tmpset = "TMP%pn_u%ugcnr_p%pgcnr(i)"
               if (pn = 2) then
                  subnr = 0
               elsif (pn = 3) then               
                  subnr = 1
                  subnr = 9
               write "[%progname] Plot %pn is set [%setname(pn)], title: %plottitle(pn)"
               nsubs = getsas( "%setname(pn) %subnr", set, subsets )
               read "%Plotid(pn): Enter SNR threshold for map: [%snr]" snr
               cancel snr

               r = list( 0 )
               "MNMX INSET=%setname(pn) %subnr; BOX=%boxstr CHANGE=YES"
               r = list( 1 )               
               r = rhead( set, subsets(1), "DATAMAX", datamax )
               if (r < 0) then
                  datamax = 0.0
               r = rhead( set, subsets(1), "DATAMIN", datamin )
               if (r < 0) then
                  datamin = 0.0
               r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB", "LEVELS", levels, 1, 1 )
               fromheader = (len(levels) > 0)
               if (not fromheader) then
                  levstep = (datamax - datamin) / numlevels
                  if (pn = 3) then
                     levels = "%.2datamin_:%.2datamax_:10"
                     levels = "%.2datamin_:%.2datamax_:%.2levstep"
               levels = substr2( levels, 1, len(levels) )               
               read "%Plotid(pn): Enter levels for this plot [%levels]" levels
               cancel levels
               if (fromheader) then
                  r = deletet( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB" )
               r = len( levels )
               r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB", "LEVELS", "CHAR%r",
                           "Levels in mapunits for contours", " " )
               r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB", "LEVELS", levels, 1, 1 )                  

               if (pn = 5) then
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "task combin RESULT01=$1 RESULT02= SET01=%setname(pn) %subnr SET02=%setname(pn) 8 SETOUT01=%tmpset 1 BOX01=%boxstr BOX02=" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "task combin RESULT01=ifgt($2,%snr,$1,blank) RESULT02= SET01=%setname(pn) %subnr SET02=%setname(pn) 8 SETOUT01=%tmpset 1 BOX01=%boxstr BOX02=" )
               axdeltaX = substr2( axdeltaX, 1, len(axdeltaX) )
               axdeltaY = substr2( axdeltaY, 1, len(axdeltaY) )
               axposX   = substr2( axposX,   1, len(axposX) )
               axposY   = substr2( axposY,   1, len(axposY) )
               axformX  = substr2( axformX,  1, len(axformX) )
               axformY  = substr2( axformY,  1, len(axformY) )
               axtitleX = substr2( axtitleX, 1, len(axtitleX) )
               axtitleY = substr2( axtitleY, 1, len(axtitleY) )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "inset %tmpset 1" )         
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "box %boxstr" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "xsize %Xsizeplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "ysize %Ysizeplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "levels %levels" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "grayscale" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "contours" )               
!               r = fwrite( tempfile, "colplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axdelta %axdeltaX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axpos %axposX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axformat %axformX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis bp" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle %axtitleX" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axdelta %axdeltaY" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axpos %axposY" )   
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axformat %axformY" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis lp" )
               if (pn = 5) then
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle %axtitleY" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis t" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis r" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "mm" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chplottitle" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "text %plottitle(pn)" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chlabels" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x+%beamDx*%Xsizeplot %y+%beamDy*%Ysizeplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "world" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "beam %bmmin ARCSEC %bmmaj ARCSEC" )
               if (pn = 5) then                  
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %raopt %decopt" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour red")
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "beam %ellmaj ARCMIN %ellmin ARCMIN %ellpa 0" )      
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour foreground")
               plotmade = true               
            if (pn = 4) then
               ! Does Ascii file with global profile exists?
               ! first try to open the file including a PGC number.
               ! If that is not successful, open it without any
               ! PGC number.
               setname(pn)  = "flux%ugcnr_s60hanp%pgcnr(i)_.dat"
               exist(pn) = existf( setname(pn) )
               fctor = 1.0
               if (not exist(pn)) then
                  setname(pn)  = "flux%ugcnr_s60han.dat"
                  exist(pn) = existf( setname(pn) )
                  fctor = 5.0
                  if (not exist(pn)) then
                     write "[%progname] Could not open Ascii file [%setname(pn)]"
               if (exist(pn)) then
                  ! Keep flexibility by determining x and y ranges 
                  ! of the global profile data by COLA itself.
                  datfile = fopen( setname(pn), "r" )
                  first = true
                     r = fread( datfile, line )
                     morelines = (r >= 0)
                     if (morelines) then
                        if (first) then
                           xdatmax = atof( substr1( line, 1 ) )
                           xdatmin = xdatmax
                           ydatmax = atof( substr1( line, 2 ) )
                           ydatmin = ydatmax
                           first = false
                           xdat = atof( substr1( line, 1 ) )
                           ydat = atof( substr1( line, 2 ) )
                           if (xdat < xdatmin) then
                              xdatmin = xdat
                           elsif (xdat > xdatmax) then
                              xdatmax = xdat
                           if (ydat < ydatmin) then
                              ydatmin = ydat
                           elsif (ydat > ydatmax) then
                              ydatmax = ydat
                  until (not morelines)
                  r = fclose( datfile )
                  xrange = "%xdatmin %xdatmax"
                  ydatmin = 1.1*fctor*ydatmin
                  ydatmax = 1.1*fctor*ydatmax
                  yrange = "%ydatmin %ydatmax"

                  write "[%progname] Plot %pn is file [%setname(pn)], title: %plottitle(pn)"
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "xcolumn file(%setname(pn),1,1:)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "ycolumn file(%setname(pn),2,1:)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "eycolumn file(%setname(pn),5,1:)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "ycolumn %fctor*ycolumn" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "eycolumn %fctor*eycolumn" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "xrange %xrange" )                  
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "yrange %yrange" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "xsize %Xsizeplot" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "ysize %Ysizeplot" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis bw" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle Radial velocity (km/s)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis lw" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle Flux density (mJy)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis t" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis r" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour blue" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "points" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "connect" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour red" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "errorbar -y y")
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour foreground" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "mm" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chplottitle" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "text %plottitle(pn)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chlabels" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "world" )               
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %vsys %ydatmin" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 0.5" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %charrow" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "text \\(2262)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %vsys+(%xdatmax-%xdatmin)/15.0 %ydatmin+(%ydatmax-%ydatmin)/20.0" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chlabels" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "text V\\dsys\\u" ) 
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 0.0" )                  
                  plotmade = true
            if (pn = 6) then
               ! XV plot
               setname(pn) = "u%ugcnr_s30xv%pgcnr(i)"
               exist(pn) = exists( setname(pn) )
               if (not exist(pn)) then
                  write "[%progname] Could not open set [%setname(pn)]"
               write "Plot %pn is set [%setname(pn)], title: %plottitle(pn)"
               if (exist(pn)) then
                  nsubs = getsas( "%setname(pn) dec 0", set, subsets )
                  exist(pn) = (nsubs > 0)
                  if (not exist(pn)) then
                     write "[%progname] Something wrong with set [%setname(pn) dec 0]"
               if (exist(pn)) then
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "inset %setname(pn) dec 0" )
                  fromheader = (existt("%setname(pn)", subsets(1), "MBOX") > 0)
                  boxstr = ""
                  if (fromheader) then
                     r = rcolumn( "%setname(pn)", subsets(1), "MBOX", "MINBOX", boxstr, 1, 1 )
                     fromheader = (len(boxstr) > 0)
                     if (fromheader) then
                        read "%Plotid(pn): Retrieve BOX from header?   [Y]/N" fromheader
                        cancel fromheader
                  if (not fromheader) then
                     "VIEW INSET=%setname(pn) dec 0 CLIP="
                     "MINBOX INSET=%setname(pn) dec 0  OUTSET= SQUARE=yes"
                     r = rcolumn( "%setname(pn)", subsets(1), "MBOX", "MINBOX", boxstr, 1, 1 )
                  boxstr = substr2(boxstr, 1, len(boxstr) )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "box %boxstr" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "xsize %Xsizeplot" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "ysize %Ysizeplot" )
                  ! At this point, the user wants to see whether he
                  ! needs to adjust the layout of the axis labels 
                  ! by adjusting values of the axis label start
                  ! position and delta.
                  fromheader = (existt("%setname(pn)", subsets(1), "AXES") > 0)
                  offunits   = "arcmin"
                  velunits   = "km/s"
                  unitsdelta = ""
                  unitspos   = ""
                  axdeltaX   = "1"
                  axdeltaY   = ""
               !   axposX    = ""
                  axposY     = ""
                  axformX    = ""
                  axformY    = ""
                  axtitleX   = "Offset from center (%offunits)"
                  axtitleY   = "Radial velocity (km/s)"
                  if (fromheader) then
                     ok = true
                     read "%Plotid(pn): Retrieve AXIS properties from header?:  [Y]/N" ok
                     cancel ok
                     if (ok) then
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "OFFUNIT", offunits, 1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "VELUNIT", velunits, 1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTX", axdeltaX, 1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTY", axdeltaY, 1, 1 )
               !        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSX",  axposX,   1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSY",  axposY,   1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMX", axformX,  1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMY", axformY,  1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITX",  axtitleX, 1, 1 )
                        r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITY",  axtitleY, 1, 1 )
                        r = len( axdeltaY )
                        unitsdelta = ""
                        if (r > 0) then
                           unitsdelta = "%velunits"
                        unitspos = ""
                        if (r > 0) then
                           unitspos = "%velunits"
                     r = list( 0 )
                    "GPLOT COMMAND=device x11;inset %setname(pn) dec 0;box %boxstr;autoscale;
                     axdelta %axdeltaX %offunits; axform %axformX;axis bp;axtitle %axtitleX;
                     axdelta %axdeltaY %unitsdelta; axpos %axposY %unitspos;axform %axformY;axis lp;axtitle %axtitleY;axis t;axis r;quit"
                     r = list( 1 )
                     ok = true
                     read "Axes ok?               [Y]/N" ok
                     cancel ok
                     if (not ok) then
                        defstr = substr2(offunits, 1, len(offunits) )
                        read "Enter units of offset axis:   [%defstr]" offunits
                        cancel offunits
                        defstr = substr2(axdeltaX, 1, len(axdeltaX) )
                        offunits = substr2(offunits, 1, len(offunits) )
                        read "Give delta (%offunits) for X-axis labeling:  [%defstr]" axdeltaX
                        cancel axdeltaX
               !         defstr = substr2(axposX, 1, len(axposX) )
               !         read "Give position of 1th X-axis label:  [%defstr]" axposX
               !         cancel axposX
                        defstr = substr2(axformX, 1, len(axformX) )
                        read "Give format of X-axis labels:  [%defstr]" axformX
                        cancel axformX
                        defstr = substr2(axtitleX, 1, len(axtitleX) )
                        read "Give title along X-axis:  [%defstr]" axtitleX
                        cancel axtitleX
                        defstr = substr2(axdeltaY, 1, len(axdeltaY) )                    
                        read "Give delta (%velunits) for Y-axis labeling:  [%defstr]" axdeltaY
                        cancel axdeltaY
                        unitsdelta = ""
                        r = len( axdeltaY )
                        if (r > 0) then
                           unitsdelta = "%velunits"
                        defstr = substr2(axposY, 1, len(axposY) )
                        read "Give position (%velunits_) of 1th Y-axis label:  [%defstr]" axposY
                        cancel axposY
                        r = len( axposY )
                        unitspos = ""
                        if (r > 0) then
                           unitspos = "%velunits"
                        defstr = substr2(axformY, 1, len(axformY) )
                        read "Give format of Y-axis labels:  [%defstr]" axformY
                        cancel axformY
                        defstr = substr2(axtitleY, 1, len(axtitleY) )
                        read "Give title along Y-axis:  [%defstr]" axtitleY
                        cancel axtitleY
                  until (ok)
                  ! Store these values in the header
                  if (fromheader) then
                     r = deletet( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES" )
                  r = len( axdeltaX )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTX", "CHAR%r",
                               "Space between major tickmarks in X", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTX", axdeltaX, 1, 1 )
                  r = len( offunits )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "OFFUNIT", "CHAR%r",
                               "Units of offset axis", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "OFFUNIT", offunits, 1, 1 )

                  r = len( velunits )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "VELUNIT", "CHAR%r",
                               "Units of velocity axis", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "VELUNIT", velunits, 1, 1 )
               !   r = len( axposX )
               !   r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSX", "CHAR%r",
               !                "Position of first (complete) label in X", " " )
               !   r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSX", axposX, 1, 1 )
                  r = len( axformX )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMX", "CHAR%r",
                               "Format of the labels in X", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMX", axformX, 1, 1 )
                  r = len( axtitleX )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITX", "CHAR%r",
                               "Title along X-axis", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITX", axtitleX, 1, 1 )
                  r = len( axdeltaY )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTY", "CHAR%r",
                               "Space between major tickmarks in Y", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXDELTY", axdeltaY, 1, 1 )
                  r = len( axposY )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSY", "CHAR%r",
                               "Position of first (complete) label in Y", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXPOSY", axposY, 1, 1 )
                  r = len( axformY )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMY", "CHAR%r",
                               "Format of the labels in Y", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXFORMY", axformY, 1, 1 )
                  r = len( axtitleY )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITY", "CHAR%r",
                               "Title along Y-axis", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "AXES", "AXTITY", axtitleY, 1, 1 )
                  axdeltaX = substr2(axdeltaX, 1, len(axdeltaX) )
                  axdeltaY = substr2(axdeltaY, 1, len(axdeltaY) )
               !   axposX   = substr2(axposX, 1, len(axposX) )
                  axposY   = substr2(axposY, 1, len(axposY) )                  
                  axformX  = substr2(axformX, 1, len(axformX) )
                  axformY  = substr2(axformY, 1, len(axformY) )
                  axtitleX = substr2(axtitleX, 1, len(axtitleX) )
                  axtitleY = substr2(axtitleY, 1, len(axtitleY) )
                  offunits = substr2(offunits, 1, len(offunits) )
                  velunits = substr2(velunits, 1, len(velunits) )

                  r = rcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB", "LEVELS", levels, 1, 1 )
                  fromheader = (len(levels) > 0)
                  if (not fromheader) then
                     r = list( 1 )
                     "MNMX INSET=%setname(pn) dec 0; BOX=%boxstr CHANGE=YES"
                     r = list( 0 )               
                     r = rhead( set, subsets(1), "DATAMAX", datamax )
                     if (r < 0) then
                        datamax = 0.0
                     r = rhead( set, subsets(1), "DATAMIN", datamin )
                     if (r < 0) then
                        datamin = 0.0
                     levstep = (datamax - datamin) / numlevels
                     levels = "%.2datamin_:%.2datamax_:%.2levstep"
                  levels = substr2( levels, 1, len(levels) )                  
                  read "%Plotid(pn): Enter levels for this plot [%levels]" levels
                  cancel levels

                  if (fromheader) then
                     r = deletet( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB" )
                  r = len( levels )
                  r = createc( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB", "LEVELS", "CHAR%r",
                              "Levels in mapunits for contours", " " )
                  r = wcolumn( setname(pn), subsets(1), "LEVTAB", "LEVELS", levels, 1, 1 )                  

                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "levels %levels" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "contours" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axdelta %axdeltaX %offunits" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis bp" )
                  ! The titles along the axes are not the defaults!
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle %axtitleX" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axdelta %axdeltaY %unitsdelta" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axpos %axposY %unitspos" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis lp" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle %axtitleY" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis t" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis r" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "mm" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chplottitle" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "text %plottitle(pn)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %chlabels" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour background")
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "fastyle 1" )  ! solid
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x+2.0 %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap-5.0" )               
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "rectangle 15 3.5" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x+3.0 %y+%Ysizeplot+%titlegap-4.0" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "colour foreground")
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "text P.A.: %ellpa (deg)" )            
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %x+0.8*%Xsizeplot %y+%beamDy*%Ysizeplot" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "world" )
                  ! Put cross beam
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "lwidth 4" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "beam %bmmaj arcsec 1.2*%chsep km/s 0 0 0 3" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "lwidth 1" )
                  r = rhead( set, subsets(1), "CDELT1", cdelt1 )
                  if (r < 0) then
                     cdelt1 = 1.0
                  yp = substr1(boxstr,3)
                  ! FWHM divided by 2
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move %ellmaj/120.0/%cdelt1 %yp km/s")
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 0.5" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %charrow" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "text \\(2262)" )                            
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "move -1.0*%ellmaj/120.0/%cdelt1 %yp km/s")
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "charheight %charrow" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "text \\(2262)" )
                  r = fwrite( tempfile, "justifi 0.0" )
                  plotmade = true

            ! Finally, if plot could not be made, 
            ! draw a dummy frame
            if (not plotmade) then
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "box -10 -10 10 10" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "xsize %Xsizeplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "ysize %Ysizeplot" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis bw" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle X" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis lw" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axtitle Y" ) 
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis t" )
               r = fwrite( tempfile, "axis r" )                

      ! Decide whether to do the actual plotting or 
      ! continue with the second page half.
      if (pagehalf = 1) then         
         gplotfile = "GPu%ugcnr_p%pgcnr(i)"
         psfile    = "PSu%ugcnr_p%pgcnr(i)"         
         newpage   = false         
         read "New page after first page half?    Y/[N]" newpage
         cancel newpage
         if (newpage) then
            gplotfile = "%gplotfile.txt"
            psfile    = ""
      if (pagehalf = 2) then
         newpage   = true
         gplotfile = "%gplotfile_u%ugcnr_p%pgcnr(i)_.txt"
         psfile    = "%psfile_u%ugcnr_p%pgcnr(i)"     

      if (newpage) then
         ! There are two page halfs or the user wants one
         ! page half on the current page.
         ! For this page, create a GPLOT input file(name) 
         ! execute the commands and write the results to 
         ! PostScript file.
         read "GPLOT input file:  [%gplotfile]" gplotfile
         cancel gplotfile
         gplotfileexist = existf( gplotfile )
         if (gplotfileexist) then
            lg = deletef( gplotfile )
         ! Ask the name of the PostScript file that will be 
         ! created. The default contains the UGC number and
         ! PGC number(s). There is no check on the existence
         ! of the file.
         read "PostScript output file:  [%psfile]" psfile
         cancel psfile
         if ( existf(psfile) ) then
            lg = deletef( psfile ) 
         grdevice = "PCPSFILE"
         read "Enter GPLOT device:    [%grdevice]: " grdevice
         cancel grdevice
         grdevice = "%grdevice_/%psfile"                       

         write "[%progname] ============= OUTPUT ACTIONS ================= "
         write "[%progname] The GPLOT input file is called [%gplotfile]"
         write "[%progname] The PostScript output file is called [%psfile]"
         write "[%progname] The page half is %pagehalf"
         ! Copy the contents of the temp file to the GPLOT
         ! input file. 
         r = fclose( tempfile )
         tempfile = fopen( tempname, "r" )
         gpfp = fopen( gplotfile, "w" )
         r = fwrite( gpfp, "device %grdevice" )             ! Write device first
         r = fwrite( gpfp, "xmargin %xmargin" )               ! Set some globals
         r = fwrite( gpfp, "ymargin %ymargin" )
         r = fwrite( gpfp, "font roman" )         
            r = fread( tempfile, copyline )
            morelines = (r >= 0)
            if (morelines) then
               r = fwrite( gpfp, copyline )
         until (not morelines)
         r = fclose( tempfile )
         ok = deletef( tempname )
         r = fclose( gpfp )
         ! Execute the commands in the GPLOT Ascii file
         r = list( gplotoutput )                              ! set output level
         "GPLOT COMMAND=input %gplotfile;quit"                     ! start GPLOT
         ! Delete the temp. sets
         r = list( 1 )
         if (pagehalf = 1) then
            "DELETE INSET=TMP*; OK=Y;Y;Y;"
            "DELETE INSET=TMP*; OK=Y;Y;Y;Y;Y;Y;"
         viewps = true
         read "View the result PostScript file?    [Y]/N" viewps
         cancel viewps
         if (viewps) then
            if ( existf(psfile) ) then
               r = system( "%psviewer %psfile \&" )
               write "No PostScript file available!"
      cif                                                  ! End of 'if newpage'
      pagehalf = pagehalf + 1
      if (pagehalf = 3) then                                       ! Save method
         pagehalf = 1
      if (newpage) then
         pagehalf = 1         
until (false)