The following tasks belong to the category DYNAMICS:
``Dynamics, kinematics'' In parentheses the name of the source file is given.
Build and execute a GPLOT input file that plots contours per level for different subsets. The contours can be an overlay on a set. (renzogram.c)
RESWRI derives the kinematical parameters from the observed velocity field by fitting tilted-rings to the velocity field and fits harmonic terms after convergence of the ROTCUR part of code. RESWRI uses the 1 sigma error-field to calculate its errors. (reswri.c)
ROTCUR derives the kinematical parameters from the observed velocity field by fitting tilted-rings to the velocity field. (rotcur.c)
This program calculates the rotation curve for a truncated exponential disk (Casertano, M.N.R.A.S., vol. 203, p735-p747, 1983), or for any other user supplied density law. It can also calculate the rotation curve for a spherical bulge. (rotmod.c)