The "DataBrowser" Widget

This widget provides a data selector (browser) in a popup window.

Library: karmawidgets
Link With: -lkarmawidgets


DataBrowser_ResourceNamesList of resource names for DataBrowser widget
DataBrowser_ResourcesList of resources for DataBrowser widget


XkwDataBrowserPopupPopup a browser for a blinkstate.
XkwDataBrowserGetAlternateGet alternate image for a blinkstate.


DataBrowser_ResourceNames List of resource names for DataBrowser widget

Name Purpose
XtNx The horizontal position to place the widget at
XtNy The vertical position to place the widget at

DataBrowser_Resources List of resources for DataBrowser widget

Name Class Rep. Type Default
XkwNpopupFirstDataBrowser XkwCPopupFirstDataBrowser XtRBool True
XkwNcreateAtInit XkwCCreateAtInit XtRBool FALSE


EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice

void XkwDataBrowserPopup (KDisplayDataBlinkState bs)

Popup a browser for a blinkstate.


Returns: Nothing.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe

EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice

KDisplayDataBlinkEntry XkwDataBrowserGetAlternate (KDisplayDataBlinkState bs)

Get alternate image for a blinkstate.


Returns: The blinkentry. NULL is returned if there is no alternate image.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe

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Contact: Richard Gooch
Web Development: Ariel Internet Services