The "DirectCmapwin" Widget

This widget provides controls to manipulate a DirectColour colourmap.

Library: karmawidgets
Link With: -lkarmawidgets


DirectCmapwin_ResourceNamesList of resource names for DirectCmapwin widget
DirectCmapwin_ResourcesList of resources for DirectCmapwin widget


DirectCmapwin_ResourceNames List of resource names for DirectCmapwin widget

Name Purpose
XkwNcolourbarVisual The visual for the colourbar
XkwNkarmaColourmap The Karma colourmap (kcmap) object
XkwNregenerateColourmap Set to TRUE to regenerate the colourmap

DirectCmapwin_Resources List of resources for DirectCmapwin widget

Name Class Rep. Type Default
XkwNcolourbarVisual XtCVisual XtRVisual CopyFromParent
XkwNkarmaColourmap XkwCKarmaColourmap XtRPointer NULL
XkwNregenerateColourmap XkwCRegenerateColourmap XtRBool False

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Contact: Richard Gooch
Web Development: Ariel Internet Services