The "Ktoggle" Widget

This widget provides a toggle control.

Library: karmawidgets
Link With: -lkarmawidgets


Ktoggle_ResourceNamesList of resource names for Ktoggle widget
Ktoggle_ResourcesList of resources for Ktoggle widget


Ktoggle_ResourceNames List of resource names for Ktoggle widget

Name Purpose
XtNstate The state of the toggle
XtNradioGroup The radio group
XtNradioData Data for the radio group
XkwNcrosses If TRUE the off cross is shown
XkwNcallCallbacksOnSet If TRUE call callbacks on setting with XtNstate

Ktoggle_Resources List of resources for Ktoggle widget

Name Class Rep. Type Default
XtNstate XtCState XtRBool "off"
XtNradioGroup XtCWidget XtRWidget NULL
XtNradioData XtCRadioData XtRPointer NULL
XkwNcrosses XkwCCrosses XtRBool True
XkwNcallCallbacksOnSet XkwCCallCallbacksOnSet XtRBool False

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Contact: Richard Gooch
Web Development: Ariel Internet Services