The "ProfileEdit" Widget

This widget provides an interactive way to create and edit a profile.

Library: karmawidgets
Link With: -lkarmawidgets


ProfileEdit_ResourceNamesList of resource names for ProfileEdit widget
ProfileEdit_ResourcesList of resources for ProfileEdit widget


ProfileEdit_ResourceNames List of resource names for ProfileEdit widget

Name Purpose
XkwNiarray The externally allocated Intelligent Array
XkwNworldCanvas The world canvas
XkwNverbose If TRUE verbose messages are displayed
XtNcallback Callbacks when the profile changes

ProfileEdit_Resources List of resources for ProfileEdit widget

Name Class Rep. Type Default
XkwNiarray XkwCIarray XtRPointer NULL
XkwNworldCanvas XkwCWorldCanvas XtRPointer NULL
XkwNverbose XkwCVerbose XtRBool False
XtNcallback XtCCallback XtRCallback NULL

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Contact: Richard Gooch
Web Development: Ariel Internet Services