The "ScrollableList" Widget

This widget allows you to create a scrollable list. The underlying list created is a list widget (KListWidget class from the listw package).

Library: karmawidgets
Link With: -lkarmawidgets


ScrollableList_ResourceNamesList of resource names for ScrollableList widget
ScrollableList_ResourcesList of resources for ScrollableList widget


ScrollableList_ResourceNames List of resource names for ScrollableList widget

Name Purpose
XkwNlist The KListWidget

ScrollableList_Resources List of resources for ScrollableList widget

Name Class Rep. Type Default
XkwNlist XkwCList XtRPointer NULL
XkwNcanvas XkwCCanvas XtRPointer NULL
XkwNhighlightPixel XkwCHighlightPixel XtRPixel XtDefaultBackground

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Web Development: Ariel Internet Services