The "t" Package

These routines are meant to provide a low level mechanism to perform mathematical transformations on data. For example, low level Fast Fourier Transforms are supplied in this package.

Library: karma
Link With: -lkarma


t_c_to_c_1D_fft_floatCompute a 1D complex to complex single precision FFT.
t_c_to_c_many_1D_fft_floatCompute many 1D complex to complex single precision FFTs.
t_check_power_of_2Check if a number is a power of 2.
t_r_to_c_many_1D_fft_floatCompute many 1D real to complex single precision FFTs.


t_FFT_STATUSList of FFT status values


unsigned int t_c_to_c_1D_fft_float (float *real, float *imag, unsigned int length, unsigned int stride, int direction)

This routine will perform a complex to complex 1 dimensional FFT on an array of single precision complex data. The routine performs the transform in situ.


Returns: A value indicating the success / failure status of the transform. See t_FFT_STATUS for a list of possible values.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe

unsigned int t_c_to_c_many_1D_fft_float (float *real, float *imag, unsigned int length, unsigned int elem_stride, unsigned int number, unsigned int dim_stride, int direction)

This routine will perform a number of complex to complex 1 dimensional FFTs on an array of single precision complex data. The routine performs the transforms in situ.


Returns: A value indicating the success / failure status of the transform. See t_FFT_STATUS for a list of possible values.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe

flag t_check_power_of_2 (unsigned int number)

Check if a number is a power of 2.


Returns: TRUE if the number is a power of 2, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe

unsigned int t_r_to_c_many_1D_fft_float (float *a, unsigned int length, unsigned int elem_stride, unsigned int number, unsigned int dim_stride, int direction)

This routine will perform a real to complex or complex to real FFT.


Returns: A value indicating the success / failure status of the transform. See t_FFT_STATUS for a list of possible values.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe


t_FFT_STATUS List of FFT status values

Name Meaning
KARMA_FFT_OK Transform successful
KARMA_FFT_BAD_LENGTH Bad length supplied
KARMA_FFT_BAD_TYPE Bad data type
KARMA_FFT_ALLOC_ERROR Internal allocation error

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Contact: Richard Gooch
Web Development: Ariel Internet Services