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Basic Information on gaufit

Task: gaufit
Purpose: Fit gaussians to profile
Categories: image-analysis

        GAUFIT fits gaussians to a profile and can write the output to
        a Miriad dataset, a logfile or the terminal.
        The fitting is done using an adapted version of fitting routines
        in numerical recipes.
        Obligatory parameters are:
          a) either or both of 'in=' and 'parinp='
          b) 'rmsest='
          c) and either 'estim=' or 'options=findestim'
        The ease of fitting depends strongly on the initial estimates.
        These can be given using the estim= keyword, or they can be
        automatically found (options=findestim).  The latter is usually
        preferable, though the former may be necessary in pathological
        If multiple gaussians are fit but the fit is bad, another try is
        made with one less gaussian. This is repeated until the fit
        works.  A fit is considered bad if the rms of the residual is
        higher than 1.8 times the rms estimate, or if the parameters lie
        outside the range given by cutoff=, crange= and wrange=, or if
        the fitting routine does not converge.  If after all possible
        ways of retrying a fit the rms is between 1.8 and 5.4 times the
        rms estimate, accept the fit after all; maybe a low-level
        component increased the rms, or the profile is not perfectly
        gaussian, but the fit is somewhat reasonable.
        Automatic initial estimates are made by first finding the
        velocity and amplitude of the peak.  An estimated width is found
        by looking to both sides of the peak for the nearest zero of the
        2nd derivative and at where the half-maximum lies.  The most
        consistent combination gives the width estimate.  For low S/N
        profiles the width is found from the integral out to the nearest
        zero.  This estimated component is then subtracted from the
        profile and the process is repeated until the maximum amplitude
        is too low, or until the maximum number of gaussians has been
        If parinp= is used gaussian parameters are taken from this
        dataset for all pixels outside the specified region.  Inside the
        region new fits are made.  All results are written to the
        params= dataset.  The number of fitted gaussians does not have
        to be the same between the parinp= and params= datasets.  This
        creation of an extra dataset is needed because Miriad very-deep-
        down disallows opening an existing dataset for writing.  So it
        is not possible to add new fits to an existing parameter set.
        If parinp= is present, but in= is not, then no new fits are
        made, but the gaussians in parinp are sorted as specified by the
        cmpsort= keyword.  They can also be transformed as specified by

Key: in
        Standard keyword in. See the help on in for more information.
        Input dataset with spectra to be fit.

Key: region
        Standard keyword region. See the help on region for more information.
        Note: the region=mask option is not implemented.  The mask of
        the input dataset is used however.  If there is one, the profile
        value at masked datapoints is set to zero before doing the fit.

Key: rmsest
        Give a value for the rms of the profile or a dataset from which
        it can be read.  No default.  Used by the fitting procedure to
        determine when convergence occurs.  If a single real value is
        given, it is used for each profile.  If the name of a dataset is
        given, the rms at each pixel is read from that dataset; this is
        particularly useful when fitting a dataset created with linmos,
        for which the rms will vary across the field.  Create the rms
        dataset using 'linmos in=list options=sens out=rms' followed by
        'maths exp=rms*<rmsvalue>'.  The value should be the rms of the
        profile as found with imstat on signal-free regions.

Key: estim
        Initial estimates.  Give an estimate for the amplitude, velocity
        and fwhm for each component (if options=integral, pixels or
        dispersion is used, give integral instead of amplitude etc.).
        This is quite critical and should already be reasonably close.
        The same initial estimate will be used for all profiles.  If
        options=findestim is used, the initial estimates are determined
        by gaufit and estim= is ignored

Key: ngauss
        Maximum number of gaussian components to fit (maximum 10,
        default 1).

Key: parinp
        Optional input parameter dataset.  All fits outside the
        specified region are read from this dataset.  If in= is not
        present, the fits in the selected region are just sorted and
        selected as specified by cmpsort, cutoff, vrange and wrange.
        The fits outside the region are untouched.

Key: params
        Optional output dataset to which the fit parameters can be
        written.  For each fitted component six planes are written, one
        with the amplitude (or integral), one with the position and one
        with the fwhm (or dispersion), and three more with the errors.
        The planes with errors come after the planes with all fit
        results.  A final plane which contains the rms of the residual
        is added.

Key: fitaxis
        Axis along which profiles are taken.  Provide the axis name as
        listed by PRTHD.  Alternatively, 'longitude' (or 'lon'),
        'latitude' (or 'lat'), or 'spectral'; or 'x', 'y', 'z', or 'a'.
        'ra', 'dec', 'freq', and 'vel' are also understood.  Default is
        the spectral axis.

Key: smooth
        First smooth the profile over 'smooth' pixels before fitting.

Key: options
        Controls the output.  Defaults are the opposite of the action
        specified by an option.  Possible options are:
          nofit:      output the initial estimates, don't make fits
          findestim:  let gaufit determine the initial estimates
          noprint:    do not print the fit results on the terminal
          supbad:     suppress results for fits outside ranges given
                      by cutoff, crange and wrange and results for bad
          estimout:   print initial estimates
          intermout:  print some intermediate results for multi-
                      component fits
          abspix:     x, y coordinates on output are relative to lower
                      left, rather than relative to crpix
          abscoo:     x, y coordinates on output are absolute
          wrprof:     write out a file with the data and the fit so that
                      it at least is possible to use plotting programs
                      to compare them; a kludge until gaufit itself can
                      plot.  filenames will be 'profile_at_$x_$y' (or
                      given by prof=)
          integral:   write out integral of gaussian instead of
          dispersion: write out dispersion of gaussian instead of fwhm
          pixel:      write center and width in pixels, not in axis
                      units (for these three: also interpret input for
                      cutoff, vrange, wrange and estim keywords as
          average:    first make an average profile of the selected
                      region and then fit one single gaussian to this
          summed:     first make a summed profile of the selected region
                      and then fit one single gaussian to this profile
          negative    amplitudes may be both positive and negative,
                      instead if just positive
          fixvelo:    fix the velocities to the initial estimate during
          fixwidth:   fix the width to the initial estimate while
                      fitting (fixvelo and fixwidth can be combined)

Key: cmpsort
        This parameter specifies how to sort the resulting components
        The following options exist
          velocity, amplitude, integral, width, vdiff, vrange
        Option 'velocity' and 'fwhm' result in components sorted on
        increasing velocity or width.
        Option 'amplitude' and 'integral' result in components sorted on
        decreasing amplitude or integral.
        If vdiff is used, then a second parameter gives a center
        velocity; components are sorted based on the difference between
        the fitted velocity and this center velocity.
        If vrange is used, the second and third parameter give a
        velocity range.  If one component is within this range, it
        becomes the first.  If none or more than one is within this
        range, they are sorted on velocity.
        Usually, cmpsort is applied for every pixel of the dataset.
        This is wanted when originally fitting (in= used).  It is also
        generally wanted when refitting part of the dataset (in= and
        parinp= used), especially when more gaussians are to be added in
        selected regions.  However, when only parinp= is present, the
        sorting is done only in the selected region and everything
        outside is left alone.

Key: model
        Optional output dataset, to which theoretical (described by fit)
        profiles can be written.

Key: residual
        Optional output dataset, to which the difference between the
        profile and the fit can be written

Key: prof
        Optional filename for use with options=wrprof

Key: cutoff
        Give a cutoff for the amplitude/integral.  Can be 1, 2 or 3
        values, all in units of the rms.
        If one value, fits with amplitude (integral if options=integral
        set) below the given cutoff are not written out.  The absolute
        value of the amplitude is used if options=negative was set.
        If two values, fits with amplitude/integral in the specified
        range are eliminated.
        If three values, further eliminate fits for which the ratio of
        amplitude to amplitude error is less than specified ratio
        (default 1).  Default: cut off amplitudes below 3 times the rms
        and with amp/err<2.

Key: cutval
        When using options=average or summed, only average/sum pixels
        whose intensity is above cutval (default: sum all)

Key: crange
        Give a range (in units along profile) between which the center
        should lie.  Fits that result in centers outside this range are
        not written out.  A third value specifies to not write out fits
        whose center is uncertain by more than that number of channels.
        Default: cut off centers outside profile range and uncertain by
        more than four channels.

Key: wrange
        Give 1, 2 or 3 values: a lower limit, and/or a range, and/or a
        S/N ratio for the width (fwhm or dispersion).  Fits giving
        widths below the lower limit, outside the range, or with too
        uncertain widths are not written out.
        Default: cut off fwhms less than 1 pixel and larger than the
        length of the profile, and with value/error less than 1.

Key: log
        If the name of a file is given, the results of the fitting are
        written to this file instead of to the terminal
Revision: 1.13, 2013/01/29 03:09:28 UTC

Generated by miriad@atnf.csiro.au on 21 Jun 2016