Fitting a rotation curve

velfit is a task to fit a rotation curve to an isovelocity image of a rotating disk. This is classical ``moment analysis''.

centre=0,-60 Rotation centre is 60 arcsec south of map centre.
pa=40 Position angle of major axis.
incline=65 The believed inclination of the disk.
vsys=440 Systemic velocity of the galaxy.
log=rot.log File to hold results - defaults to terminal.
inten is the (x,y) intensity distribution of data.cube integrated over the z (velocity) axis. It is obtained using moment as follows:
mon=-1 Get average intensity.
axis=3 Squash along the third axis
clip=-2.0,0.0 Or whatever.
veloc is an (x,y) model for the velocity values, a mean velocity image. It would be obtained as follows:

in=data.cube Input dataset.
out=veloc The output dataset.
mon=1 First order moment.
axis=3 Squash along the third axis
clip=-2.0,0.0 Or whatever.

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