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Rotating the table

In ksnow there six buttons to rotate the table (Rotate +X, Rotate -X etc.). Clicking on one of the buttons rotates the table over + or -10 degrees around the axis and the rotated table is displayed. The X-axis is horizontal, the Y-axis vertical and the Z-axis is sticking out of the screen.

In the bottom left corner, a small cube is drawn to show the orientation of the data.

There is no Reset button in ksnow. To go to the initial position you have to reload the table.


To make a movie, click (left) on one of the Movie buttons. This will rotate the table, starting from the current orientation, over 360 degrees. in steps of 10 degrees. To save that movie, click (left) on Save Movie. The saved movie has the name ksnow_movie.kf. The movies that are saved can be played with kview or kubes.

Frame value

ksnow draws a wireframe onto the image. The value used for this frame can be set in this field.

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Richard Gooch