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Haida Liang (Nottingham Trent University)

Interferometry - from Astronomy to Archaeology -- Haida Liang Colloquium

The Australia Telescope National Facility Colloquium
15:00-16:00 Tue 18 Dec 2012


The application of Physics to art history, art conservation and archaeology is currently a growing area of research. Astronomy and astrophysics have made significant contribution to imaging science which has in turn contributed to the developments of many other fields ranging from biological science to the study of art history, archaeology and art conservation. This talk will discuss how knowledge traditionally associated with astrophysics have made impact on the study of art conservation, art history and archaeology. Specifically, the talk will focus on a type of imaging interferometer based on the Michelson interferometer, optical coherence tomography and its application in biomedical imaging, art conservation and archaeology. Examples will be drawn from recent research carried out in the speaker’s research group.


Sebastian Haan

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