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Decadal Plan: Joint Town Hall Meeting - Sydney

09:30-16:30 Tue 25 Mar 2014

Marsfield Lecture Theatre



0930 – 0940 Welcome (Sarah Pearce)
Decadal review process (Andrew Hopkins)

0940 – 1020 WG 2.1 International Facilities (Karl Glazebrook, 20 mins)
WG 2.2 National & Institutional-Scale Facilities (Michael Burton, 10 mins)

1020 – 1110 Presentations fom Facilities (Chair Michael Burton)
ATNF (Lewis Ball, 15 minutes)
AAO (Andrew Hopkins, 15 minutes)

1110 – 1130 Morning Tea (Lecture theatre breakout area)

1130 – 1210 Presentations from Facilities (Chair Michael Burton)
ANU (slides by Kate Brooks)
Antarctica (Michael Burton)
All-Sky Virtual Observatory (Darren Croton)

1210 - 1255 WG 2.3 eScience (Darren Croton, 15 mins)
WG 3.3 Industry (Kate Gunn, 15 mins)
WG 3.4 Funding (Chris Tinney, 15 mins)

1255 – 1330 Lunch (Lecture theatre breakout area)

1330 – 1430 4x Parallel Discussion Session (one for each WG)
Each attendee will attend 4 short (15 min) discussion sessions in series.
Locations: SOC interaction space; Faraday room; Lecture theatre; Showcase room
Note that International & National facilities will be in one shared discussion session.

1430 - 1520 Summary updates from each WG discussion leader (5 x 10 mins)

1520 – 1540 Afternoon Tea (Lecture theatre breakout area)

1540 – 1630 Open Discussion Session

1630 Close

For catering purposes please rsvp to and note any dietary requirements.

More information


Sarah Pearce

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