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Mita Brierley and James Murray (AAL)

Mita Brierley and James Murray Colloquium: AAL update

The Australia Telescope National Facility Colloquium
15:00-16:00 Wed 02 May 2018

Marsfield Lecture Theatre


Astronomy Australia manages the Astronomy-NCRIS program on behalf of the
Australian astronomy community. Our vision is for Australian astronomers
to have access to the best astronomical research infrastructure, and our
mission is to achieve this by engaging with astronomers in support of the
national research infrastructure priorities of the Australian Astronomy
Decadal Plan, and advising the Australian Government on the investments
necessary to realise those priorities.

AAL Board member, Rosalind Dubs and Senior Program Managers Mita
Brierley and James Murray will present an update on AAL activities over the last year, including:

-the latest news on the AAO transition and the creation of a national
optical instrumentation capability

-infrastructure funding for SKA precursor telescopes and multi-messenger

-AAL’s strategy for building Australia’s astronomy data and computing capability

This is an interactive session and AAL’s representatives are keen to answer
your questions and hear your feedback.


Juan Madrid

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