Time assignment information

Proposal applications for 2006 APRS

The next deadline for telescope applications to the ATNF is on 15 December 2005, for a six-month semester that will be scheduled from 01 April 2006 to 30 September 2006.

We advise ATNF users that all applications for 2006APRS must be prepared and submitted using a new web-based application system called OPAL. Applications sent by email using the previous latex forms will not be accepted unless there are exceptional circumstances.

For further information on OPAL please see the separate report on page 4.

Compact Array configurations

Table 1: Tentative array configuration timetable for 2006 – 2008.

With the completion of the millimetre upgrade, there has been a significant change in the science that Compact Array observers are pursuing. As a consequence, the mix of array configurations that are offered will be adapted to best meet observer needs. Table 1 gives the suggested array configurations that will be offered over the next three years. These are still tentative, and will be discussed at the upcoming Users Committee meeting. The rationale is as follows:

• The scheme cycles through all offered arrays within 18 months.

• Two 6-km array configurations will be offered each term to meet the needs of the high-resolution science. Given that 6A is the "best"
6-km configuration, this will be offered every term.

• A single 750-m and 1.5-km configuration will be offered during the millimetre semester, and two are offered in the non-millimetre semester.

• The EW352 array will be offered each term. Of the two 350-m arrays, EW352 has a better complement of short baselines. The EW367 will be offered only in the non-millimetre semester.

• The EW214 array will no longer be scheduled routinely. EW214 has many spacings in common with EW352. Additionally the hybrid arrays can be used as alternatives to EW214.

• The hybrid arrays (H214, H168 and H75) will be scheduled every millimetre semester. In addition one hybrid (either H168 or H214) will be scheduled in the non-millimetre semester.

As in the past, observers can request "wildcard" array configurations that are not part of the standard set being offered in a semester. In this case, observers are requested to discuss this as early as possible with the ATCA staff so that the possible scheduling of an array as a wildcard can be advertised to other potential proposers.

Jessica Chapman and Bob Sault
(Jessica.Chapman@csiro.au and Bob.Sault@csiro.au)
