# Example Observation file for Tidbinbilla service spectroscopy # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Version 1.0: Jim Lovell 26-July-2002 # Version 1.1: Jim Lovell 8-Sep-2003 # Added comments on bandwidth (whoops!) and SCHED mode # # Comments may be entered by placing a "#" in the first column. # # Each line of the observe file defines a single observation. Normally the # observing software optimises the order of observation according to source # proximity and elevation but this can be overridden by adding a line at the # top of the file with the word "SCHED" in upper case. This can be useful # for mapping or for non-supported pointing modes. # # Description of fields: # # Obs Code = observation code (tnnnn) # # Src = source name (no spaces allowed!) # # RA (J2000) = RA and Dec in J2000 coords. Use colons to # Dec(J2000) separate hrs, mins, secs and deg, min, sec # # Vel or z = heliocentric velocity (km/s) or redshift # # LSR, Helio or z? = "L" if it's LSR velocity, "H" for a heliocentric # velocity and "Z" if it's a redshift. # # No IF = number of IFs (1 or 2, must be 1 if dual pol) # # No Pol = number of polarisations ("1" = DAS inputs 1 and 2 are X, # "2" = DAS input 1 is X and 2 is Y) # # rest freq1 = Rest freq (MHz) in IF1 # # rest freq2 = Rest freq (MHz) in IF2 (set to 0.0 if no 2nd IF) # # BW1 = bandwidth of IF1 # # BW2 = bandwidth of IF2 (set to 0.0 if no 2nd IF) # # Time = Time needed ON SOURCE (min) # # Cor config = correlator config file # # No Avg = number of integrations to average before writing # # Pos switch = position switching # where 0 = no position switching # 4 = 4-point switching # (+(RA_offset), on_src, on_src, -(RA_offset) # 8 = 8-point switching # (where (x,y) = (1,0), (0,0), (0,1), (0,0), (-1,0), (0,0), (0,-1), (0,0) * offset) # # Freq switch = frequency switching (0 = off, 1 = on) # # Pos offs = position offset in arcminutes for position switching # # Freq offs = (in MHz) if frequency switching, offsets will be at +/- this value. If # Freq switch = 0, and Freq offs != 0 then a constant offset will be applied to all spectra. # # Pos time = (in min) Time spent at each position offset. # Must be evenly divisible into time on source ("Time") # # Freq time = (in min) Time spent at each frequency offset. # Must be evenly divisible into time on source ("Time") # # Dop track = Doppler tracking (0 = off, OP = on using optical definition, # RA = on using radio definition, # RE = on using relativistic velocity). # Frequency is updated for every scan/freq-offset # # Status: todo = To do (observation not yet made) # done = Observation complete # part = Observations partially complete. May need further observation # # The remainder of the line is ignored but may be used for comments # # Obs Src RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) vel H,L No No rest rest BW1 BW2 Time Cor No Pos Freq Pos Freq Pos Freq Dop status #Code or z or z IF Pol freq1 freq2 (MHz) (MHz) (min) config Avg switch switch offs offs time time track # t0000 G240.316 07:44:51.98 -24:07:42.0 63.0 L 2 1 1665.402 1667.359 2.0 2.0 20.0 das_xxxx_2_4096 12 4 0 10.0 0.1 10.0 0.0 RA todo # # # The above describes an observation of a source with a LSR velocity # of 63 km/s. IF1 will observe the 1665.402 OH transition and IF2 # will observe the 1667.359 OH transition. Both IFs will have # bandwidths of 2 MHz and 4096 channels per band. A total of 20 min # will be spent on source. Position switching will be used in mode 4 # with 10 arcmin offsets and 10 min spent at each position. Frequency # switching will not be used but an offset of 0.1 MHz will be applied # to avoid a birdie in the central channel. Doppler tracking is # switched on and 12 integration cycles will be averaged together at a # time.