Tasso's village in Greece.

My village is called Kerastari and it is located almost precisely in the middle of Peloponisos (Southern part of mainland Greece). It is not marked in most maps. It is about 200 kms SW of Athens, near the provincial town of Tripolis. On a map it is 4 km north of the main road connecting Tripolis and Megalopolis and the turnoff is at a distance of 22.5km from Tripolis and 10.5km from Megalopolis. It is also near (about 8 kms) the train station at Asea.

On the atlas map the village is at coordinates of 22.22 degrees (22 deg 13 mins) East longitude and 37.45 degrees (37 deg 27 mins) North latitude. It is at an elevation of about 1000 m above sea level. The sea is about 60 kms by road, almost in any direction. However, that is about a couple of hours by car.

Note: More to come, including maps and pictures. Please be patient!
Last updated: 16-September-1995
Tasso Tzioumis (atzioumi@atnf.csiro.au)