Final list of talks

Author Talk Title confirmed Manuscript Submitted Date Accepted Preprint

Invited talks

G. Bicknell GPS and CSS sources - a theoretical overview confirmed 12 August 10 September PASA server
B. Cotton Polarimetry of GPS and CSS Sources confirmed 29 June 10 September PASA server
D. Dallacasa High Frequency Peakers Abstract 15 August 14 January PASA server
W. De Vries Host Galaxy Properties confirmed 19 August 16 September PASA server
D. Jauncey Variability of GPS Sources confirmed 14 March 26 March PASA server
A. Koekemoer Emission Lines Properties confirmed 19 February 27 February PASA server
M. Murgia Spectral Ages of CSO/CSS sources confirmed 2 July 16 September PASA server
A. Polatidis Proper Motion in CSOs and their Implications confirmed 8 July (Conway) 23 November PASA server
I. Snellen Constraints on Evolution confirmed 4 July 11 October PASA server
C. Stanghellini Radio properties of GPS and CSS Sources confirmed 1 July 12 December PASA server

Contributed Oral talks

A. Brunthaler III Zw 2: Evolution of a radio galaxy in a nutshell Abstract 30 July 13 January PASA server
C. Drake Radio-Excess IRAS Galaxies: Low Power CSS/GPS sources? confirmed 6 August 23 October PASA server
M. Dopita Optical/UV Spectral Signatures of GPS/CSS Sources Abstract 17 June 29 August PASA server
M. Inoue A new test for the absorption mechanism of GPS using polarization properties Abstract 8 July 21 February PASA server
S. Kameno Dense Plasma Torus in the GPS Galaxy NGC 1052 Abstract 30 July 13 February PASA server
A. Marecki Location of weak CSS sources in the evolutionary path of radio loud AGNs confirmed 1 July 20 November PASA server
R. Morganti The impact of the early stages of radio source evolution on the ISM of the host galaxies confirmed 6 July 13 December PASA server
C. O'Dea Jet-Cloud Interactions in CSS Sources confirmed 28 June 15 Janauary PASA server
M. Perucho Evolution models for powerful radio-sources: from CSOs to FRIIs confirmed 27 June 13 January PASA server
Y. Pihlstroem HI absorption in CSS/GPS sources confirmed 29 June 20 November PASA server
D. Saikia On Evolution of CSS Objects Not presented 17 July 23 November (merged) PASA server
A. Siemiginowska X-ray emission associated with the GPS/CSS sources observed with Chandra. confirmed 19 July 1 March PASA server
S. Tingay New radio observations of the nearby GPS source, PKS 1718-649 confirmed 27 August 18 November PASA server
W. Tschager Population study of faint CSS radio sources: VLA-A observations at 74 MHz and their impact on evolution models Abstract 19 July 15 January PASA server
R. Vermeulen The shroud around the "compact, symmetric" radio jets in NGC1052 Abstract 9 August 2 October PASA server
L. Woltjer X-ray observations of PKS 1934-63 and S5 1946+708 confirmed 31 August(summary) 31 August (unrefereed) PASA server
L. Woltjer Concluding remarks confirmed 31 August 31 August PASA server


J. Carvalho Luminosity Evolution of Powerful Radio Sources confirmed 30 June 16 January PASA server
J. Holt Extreme optical emission line outflows in the GPS source 4C 12.50 confirmed 28 June 4 October PASA server
S. Kameno Free-Free Absorption and the Unified Scheme Abstract 9 August 11 February PASA server
A. Labiano HST/STIS Spectroscopy of CSS Sources: Kinematics and Ionization of the Aligned Nebula confirmed 28 June 30 September PASA server
F. Mantovani Two-sided radio jet in the CSS quasar B1524-1236 Abstract 21 June 15 October PASA server
F. Mantovani CSSs in a sample of B2 radio sources Abstract 24 June (Saikia) merged with Saikia (23 November) see Saikia
F. Mantovani The polarised gentle bent jet of 3C43 Abstract 21 June 23 November PASA server
A. Marecki New CSSs from FIRST survey confirmed 1 July 20 November PASA server
A. Marecki 1245+676 - a CSO/GPS source being an "extreme" case of double-double structure confirmed 8 July 10 September PASA server
A. Rossetti Search for CSS and GPS candidates from the Peacock and Well Catalogue Abstract 21 June 2 October PASA server
V. Safouris The Extraordinary Radio Galaxy: B1221-423 confirmed 26 July 21 September PASA server
S. Tinti Young radio galaxy Abstract 28 June 14 October PASA server
Staff space