ATNF Pulsar Catalogue

Catalogue Version: 2.1.1

PSRJ            J1913+0832
NAME            J1913+0832
RAJ             19:13:00.50                   2.000e-02
DECJ            +08:32:05.1                   5.000e-01
ELONG           291.10
ELAT            30.65
DM              355.2                         1.000e+00
PEPOCH          51685.0
F0              7.4399777798                  6.000e-10
F1              -2.5294E-13                   4.000e-17
P0              0.134409003575                1.100e-11
P1              4.5696E-15                    8.000e-19
DIST_DM         8.204
DIST_DM1        7.868
SURVEY          pksmb,palfa
S1400           0.9                           2.000e-01
W50             7.4
POSEPOCH        51685.00
DMEPOCH         51685.00
F2              -2.7E-24                      2.500e-24
AGE             4.66e+05
RM              485                           6.000e+00
TAU_SC          0.016                         4.000e-03
NGLT            1
DATE            2002
DIST            8.204
DIST1           7.868
PMERR_PA        -53.546
EDOTD2          1.1e+33
R_LUM14         60.58
BSURF           7.93e+11
B_LC            3.06e+03
EDOT            7.4e+34
RAJD            288.25208                     8.333e-05
DECJD           8.53475                       1.389e-04
OSURVEY         000002040000
DMSINB          -5.34
GL              42.980
GB              -0.862
XX              5.592
YY              2.499
ZZ              -0.123
EPHVER          2
UNITS           TDB

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