Captions and credits aat007.jpg Galaxy NGC5128 (Centaurus A). [copyright symbol] Anglo-Australian Observatory. Photo: D. Malin ATCA-122m-smaller.jpg Five antennas of CSIRO's Australia Telescope Compact Array. Photo: S. Amy Circinus_noframe.jpg Radio image of the Circinus galaxy. ATCA observations by K.L. Jones et al. Dennis_IRIS2_big.jpg The IRIS2 instrument for the Anglo-Australian Telescope, during construction. Photo: D. Smyth. Jupiter@13cm_bigger.jpg Jupiter seen in radio waves. ATCA observations by R. Sault et al. LMC.jpg The Large Magellanic Cloud. [copyright symbol] RSAA. Photo: M. Bessell Parkes_day_smaller.jpg CSIRO's Parkes Radio Telescope. Photo: J. Sarkissian person_hi.jpg This picture MUST be credited as follows: An artist's impression of one concept for the SKA telescope. Credit: C. Fluke, Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology. Star_trails.jpg Star trails over the dome of the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Photo: D. Malin uks006.jpg The Carina Nebula. [copyright symbol] ROE. Photo: D. Malin