Quick and dirty guide for 3mm reduction. In this example, the source is rscl, the gain calibrator is 0104-408, the bandpass calibrator is 2255-282, and the flux calibrator is uranus. Contact Tony.Wong@csiro.au to get the data for this exercise. ***************** * PRELIMINARIES * ***************** 1. atlod - Read RPFITS file into Miriad Task: atlod in=2002-06-21_1746.C1048 out=atfile.1 options=mmrelax,noauto Sometimes this doesn't work, and you have to repeat the task with options=mmrelax,noauto,noif. 2. attsys - Applies paddle-derived Tsys values to data (Only necessary if you disabled Tsys during the observation. The paddle values have been written to the data file but not applied as yet.) Task: attsys vis=atfile.1 out=tcal.1 options=auto [don't apply it if it's already been applied] 3. elevcor - Applies a gain/elevation correction for 3mm (This is because the antenna gain changes significantly with elevation on some antennas in a rather predictable way.) Task: elevcor vis=tcal.1 out=elevcal.1 4. uvedit - Applies a baseline (relative antennas position) correction (This is needed because the baselines at 3mm do not seem to be sufficiently well-determined. Hopefully can be avoided in the future.) Task: uvedit vis=elevcal.1 out=uvedit.1 dantpos=2,0.0038,0.0001,-0.0056,4,-0.0025,0.0067,-0.0079 [e.g.] NOTE: Skip this step during the first reduction pass. Repeat steps 1-4 for each RPFITS file. 5. List sources and select out those you want to use: (Repeat for each source and calibrator. Ignore pointing & paddle scans.) Task: uvindex vis=elevcal.1 [can repeat for other files] Task: uvcat vis="elevcal.*" [or uvedit.*] select='source(rscl)' [repeat for all calibrators] options=unflagged out=rscl 6. Plot UV coverage on source Task: uvplt vis=rscl axis=uc,vc device=/xw options=nobase,equal select='pol(xx)' 7. uvsplit - Split data by frequencies Task: uvsplit vis=rscl [repeat for all calibrators] 8. puthd - Specify rest frequency for spectral line (in GHz) Task: puthd in=rscl.88638/restfreq value=88.6318473 **************** * BANDPASS CAL * **************** All of these steps must be repeated for the 2nd frequency if used. 9. Examine your bandpass calibrator vs. time and vs. frequency: Task: uvplt vis=2255-282.88638 axis=time,phase [or time,amp] device=/xw size=2,6 yrange=-180,180 [phase only] Task: uvspec vis=2255-282.88638 axis=chan,phase [or chan,amp] interval=1000 [average all data in time] nxy=1,3 yrange=-180,180 [phase only] Note the number of edge channels on each end of the spectrum for flagging. 10. Flag edge channels: Task: uvflag vis=2255-282.88638 edge=20,16 flagval=f 11. Calibrate the bandpass: Task: mfcal vis=2255-282.88638 interval=1000 [average all data in time] refant=3 [choose a centrally located antenna] 12. Examine the bandpass solution: Task: gpplt vis=2255-282.88638 yaxis=phase [or amp] device=/xw nxy=1,3 options=bandpass yrange=-180,180 [or 0,2 for amp] 13. If OK, copy the gains to the other sources: Task: gpcopy vis=2255-282.88638 out=rscl.88638 [repeat for gain and flux cal] options=nocal [do not copy gains vs. time] ***************** * GAINS VS TIME * ***************** All of these steps must be repeated for the 2nd frequency if used. 14. Examine phases and amplitudes on gaincal: Task: uvplt vis=0104-408.88638 axis=time,phase [or time,amp] select='pol(xx,yy)' yrange=-180,180 [for phase] size=2,6 device=/xw 15. Do the calibration and plot the gains: Task: mfcal vis=0104-408.88638 interval=5,2 [average every 5 minutes of cal data] refant=3 [choose a centrally located antenna] options=nopassol [don't do passband] Task: gpplt vis=0104-408.88638 yaxis=phase [or amp] nxy=1,3 device=/xw options=wrap [for phase, don't unwrap] yrange=-180,180 [for phase] 16. Examine gaincal again with gains applied: Task: uvplt vis=0104-408.88638 axis=time,phase [or time,amp] select='pol(xx,yy)' yrange=-180,180 [for phase] size=2,6 device=/xw ***************** * ABSOLUTE FLUX * ***************** All of these steps must be repeated for the 2nd frequency if used. 17. Examine amplitudes on flux cal: Task: uvplt vis=uranus.88638 axis=time,amp select='pol(xx,yy)' device=/xw 18. Rescale the amplitude gains using planet: Task: plboot vis=uranus.88638,2255-282.88638,0104-408.88638 [planet,passcal,gaincal] 19. Check the fluxes for our calibrators: Task: uvflux vis=2255-282.88638,0104-408.88638 ****************** * SOURCE SPECTRA * ****************** 20. Apply the gains from the gain calibrator: Task: gpcopy vis=0104-408.88638 out=rscl.88638 options=nopass [don't overwrite bandpass gains] Task: uvcat vis=rscl.88638 out=rscl.88638.cal 21. Plot the visibility spectrum for each baseline averaged over time: Task: uvspec vis=rscl.88638.cal axis=vel,amp [or vel,phase] interval=1000 nxy=1,3 device=/xw yrange=-180,180 [for phase] select='pol(xx,yy)' ***************** * MAKE THE MAPS * ***************** 22. Make the dirty map and a postscript plot: Task: invert vis=rscl.88638.cal map=rscl.88638.map beam=rscl.88638.beam cell=1 [1" pixels] imsize=128 sup=0 [natural weighting] slop=0.5 [don't throw out visibilities with flagged channels] line=vel,55,-45,1,1 select='pol(xx,yy)' Task: cgdisp in=rscl.88638.map type=c device=dmaps.ps/ps labtyp=arcsec nxy=4,3 23. Do a light CLEAN and plot: Task: clean map=rscl.88638.map beam=rscl.88638.beam out=rscl.88638.clean niters=100 region='arc,box(-10,-10,10,10)' Task: restor map=rscl.88638.map beam=rscl.88638.beam model=rscl.88638.clean out=rscl.88638.cm Task: cgdisp in=rscl.88638.cm type=c device=cmaps.ps/ps labtyp=arcsec nxy=4,3