Millimetre Science Workshop 2003

Monday, 8 December 2003


The third annual millimetre science workshop will review recent results from the ATCA and Mopra, look ahead to the upgrades planned for 2004, and seek consensus from the Australian community on key science goals for the pre-ALMA years.  The emphasis will be on star formation, both nearby and extragalactic.  Theorists and non-radio types are most welcome to attend!


The workshop will be held at the Marsfield Lecture Theatre of the CSIRO ATNF outside Sydney, starting around 9 am.  There is a map locating Epping relative to Sydney and a map showing how to get to ATNF from Epping Railway Station (key here).  If you are taking a taxi or bus, indicate "Epping & Vimiera Roads in Marsfield"; the CSIRO is one block south of Epping Rd at Vimiera & Pembroke.  Get a visitor pass at CSIRO reception and walk through the library and corridor and up the stairs.


Programme and Talk Slides


There is no formal registration requirement, but we ask that you e-mail Tony Wong so we have a rough idea of numbers for coffee breaks and dinner. 


For those visiting from outside Sydney, the on-site Marsfield accomodation is available for $50 a night, with a 50% discount for students.  Please fill out the ATNF Reservation Form and list Tony Wong as your contact, or write to  For other accommodation options see the

For more information

Last updated 17 Dec 2003

