FITS conversion =============== The task *imageToFITS* task provides a mechanism for converting a CASA-format image to a FITS file. It allows a lot more flexibility than the casacore *image2fits* task, providing a front-end to the ImageFITSConverter::ImageToFITS function in casacore. Each of the arguments for this function are exposed via the ParameterSet interface. The task also allows the user to set image header/metadata values and history statements. These are applied to the CASA image first, and then flow through into the FITS file. Running the program ------------------- It can be run with the following command, where "" is a file containing the configuration parameters described in the next section. :: $ imageToFITS -c The *imageToFITS* program is not parallel/distributed, it runs in a single process operating on a single input CASA image. Configuration Parameters ------------------------ All parameters should be prefaced by **ImageToFITS.** +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |*Parameter* |*Type* |*Default* |*Description* | +======================+================+============+=====================================================================+ |**Metadata** | | | | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | headers | vector | [] |Vector of strings, being metadata header names to add to the | | | | |image. Each header name is then specified as its own parameter to | | | | |provide the value. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |headers. *headerName* | string |*None* |Value for the metadata header *headerName* | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | history | vector | [] |Vector of strings to be recorded in the image metadata as HISTORY | | | | |statements. Each string gets its own HEADER line. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |**FITS conversion** | | | | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | casaimage |string |*None* |The input CASA-format image. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fitsimage |string |*None* |The output FITS-format image. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | memoryInMB |int | 64 |Setting this to zero will result in row-by-row copying, otherwise it | | | | |will attempt to copy with as large a chunk-size as possible, while | | | | |fitting in the desired memory. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |preferVelocity |bool |false |Write a velocity primary spectral axis if possible. | | | | | | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |opticalVelocity |bool |true |If writing a velocity, use the optical definition (otherwise use | | | | |radio). | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |bitpix |float |-32 |*bitpix* can presently be set to -32 or 16 only. | | | | | | | | | |When *bitpix* is 16 it will write BSCALE and BZERO into the FITS | | | | |file. If *minPix* is greater than *maxPix* the minimum and maximum | | | | |pixel values will be determined from the array, otherwise the | | | | |supplied values will be used and pixels outside that range will be | | | | |truncated to the minimum and maximum pixel values. | | | | | | | | | |Note that this truncation does not occur for *bitpix=-32*. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |minpix |float |1.0 |Minimum pixel value for scaling in *bitpix=16* case. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |maxpix |float |-1.0 |Minimum pixel value for scaling in *bitpix=16* case. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |allowOverwrite |bool |false |If true, allow *fitsimage* to be overwritten if it already exists. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |degenerateLast |bool |false |If true, axes of length 1 will be written last to the header. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |stokesLast |bool |false |Put the Stokes axis last in the FITS file. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |verbose |bool |true |More log messages. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |preferWavelength |bool |false |If true, write a wavelength primary axis. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |airWavelength |bool |false |If true and *preferWavelength* is true write an air wavelength | | | | |primary axis. | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |copyHistory |bool |true |Whether to copy the CASA image's history | +----------------------+----------------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Example ------- .. code-block:: bash # CASA image input ImageToFITS.casaimage = image.i.cube.linmos.restored # FITS image output ImageToFITS.fitsimage = image.i.cube.linmos.restored.fits # Put the Stokes axis last ImageToFITS.stokesLast = true # Ensure the spectral axis stays in frequency, as we are regularly sampled there. ImageToFITS.preferVelocity = false # Add some additional headers ImageToFITS.headers = ["project","sbid","date-obs","duration"] ImageToFITS.headers.project = AS033 ImageToFITS.headers.sbid = 1531 = 2016-06-29T11:21:15.9 ImageToFITS.headers.duration = 21534.3 # Add some history statements showing provenance ImageToFITS.history = ["Produced with ASKAPsoft version 0.14.0","Produced using ASKAP pipeline version 0.14.0"]