User Parameters - Data Location & Beam Selection ================================================ The following parameters determine where the measurement sets are that hold the data to be processed. The default behaviour is to read the MS from the given Scheduling Block (SB) directory. If SB numbers are given, this is where to look. The location for these SB directories is given by ``DIR_SB``. If SB numbers are not provided, however, the ``MS_INPUT`` variables give the filename for the relevant MS. The full path must be specified here. The measurement sets presented in the scheduling block directories have a variety of forms: 1. The earliest observations had all beams in a single measurement set. For these, splitting with mssplit is required to get a single-beam MS used for processing. 2. Many observations have one beam per MS. If no selection of channels or fields or scans is required, these can be copied rather than split. Note that splitting of the bandpass observations are necessary, to isolate the relevant scan. 3. Recent large observations have more than one MS per beam, split in frequency chunks. The pipeline will merge these to form a single local MS for each beam. If splitting (of channels, fields or scans) is required, this is done first, before merging the local subsets. In the multiple-file modes, the metadata for the observation is taken from a single MS (although they should all be the same for a given observation). If no channel or scan selection is being made (that is, ``CHANNEL_RANGE_SCIENCE`` or ``SCAN_SELECTION_SCIENCE`` are not given), there is only a single field in the dataset, and the observation used the MS-per-beam mode, then instead of splitting the dataset the pipeline simply copies the archive MS to the output directory. This should run faster than using *mssplit*. The bandpass calibration datasets are treated the same way, although *mssplit* is always used (since the relevant scan needs to be split out). It may be that the SB you wish to process has been removed from /astro. You can follow the instructions on :doc:`../platform/comm_archive` to request it be reinstated. If you have already started processing it and wish to continue, you can specify the measurement set name it would have (this forms the **metadata/mslist_** filename), using the parameters ``MS_INPUT_1934`` or ``MS_INPUT_SCIENCE``, and the scripts will recognise the metadata file and continue. For anything to be done, it requires you to have already run the splitting, so that there is a local copy of the individual beam data. +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Default | Description | +=============================+=========================================================+============================================================+ | ``DIR_SB`` | /askapbuffer/scott/askap-scheduling-blocks | Location (on galaxy) of the scheduling blocks. This is used| | | | when specifying SB numbers - the default is the standard | | | | location for ASKAP operation. If blank (``""``), the MS | | | | used will be given by ``MS_INPUT_SCIENCE`` and | | | | ``MS_INPUT_1934``. | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SEFD_BASE_DIRECTORY`` | /askapbuffer/payne/askapops/sefd-processing | Directory from which the SEFD data is copied. | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SB_1934`` | no default | SBID for the 1934-638 calibration observation. | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``MS_INPUT_1934`` | no default | MS for the 1934-638 observation. Ignored if the SB number | | | | is provided. | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SB_SCIENCE`` | no default | SBID for the science field observation. | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``MS_INPUT_SCIENCE`` | no default | MS for the science field. Ignored if the SB number is | | | | provided. | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SB_PB`` | no default | SBID for the holography observation used to determine the | | | | primary beam shapes used in linmos. | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ These parameters determine which beams in the data to process. The beams can be listed explicitly via the ``BEAMLIST`` parameter, given as a comma-separated list of beams and beam ranges, such as ``"0,1,4,7,8-10"``. Alternatively (and if ``BEAMLIST`` is not provided), the ``BEAM_MIN`` and ``BEAM_MAX`` parameters are used to specify an inclusive range. Note that in all cases the beams are numbered from zero (ie. beam 0 is the first beam in the measurement set). If ``BEAMLIST`` is not provided, the SB parsets are searched for a valid ```` parameter. If this is present, this is used to limit the range of beams. Both the bandpass and science parsets are consulted, and should both give a list the beam range used is the intersection between the two. The beams used for the bandpass calibrator will be all beams up to the maximum beam requested for the science dataset (either ``BEAM_MAX`` or the largest number in ``BEAMLIST``). The beam list will be limited by the number of beams available in the footprints for both the science and bandpass calibrator datasets. If more beams are requested via ``BEAMLIST`` or ``BEAM_MAX``, then a warning message is given and the list trimmed to match the limits from the relevant scheduling blocks. +----------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Default | Description | +================+===========+==================================================+ | ``BEAMLIST`` | ``""`` | A comma-separated list of beams and beam ranges | | | | (for instance ``"0,1,4,7,8-10"``), to specify the| | | | set of beams than should be processed from the | | | | science observation. Beam numbers are 0-based. | +----------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``BEAM_MIN`` | 0 | First beam number (0-based). Used when | | | | ``BEAMLIST`` is not given. All beams from | | | | ``BEAM_MIN`` to ``BEAM_MAX`` *inclusive* are used| | | | for the science processing. | +----------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``BEAM_MAX`` | 35 | Final beam number (0-based), to go with | | | | ``BEAM_MIN``. | +----------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------+