Casda Upload Utility ==================== The CASDA upload utility prepares artifacts for submission to the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA). Currently the following artifact types are supported: * Images (FITS format only) * Source Catalogues (VOTable format only) * Visibilities (CASA Measurement Set format only) * Evaluation Pipeline Artifacts (any file format) The utility takes as input one or more of the above file types, plus a configuration parameter set. It performs the following tasks: * Creates a directory, relative to a given base directory, where all artifacts will be deposited for ingest into the CASDA system * Produces a metadata file (XML) that enumerates the artifacts to be archived. This file is read by the CASDA ingest software * Creates a tarfile of the measurement set. The measurement set is a directory, where CASDA requires a single file per artifact * Creates a checksum file for each artifact. This file contains three strings, each separated by a single space character: - First is a CRC-32 checksum of the content displayed as a 32 bit lower case hexadecimal number - Second is the SHA-1 of the content displayed as a 160 bit lower case hexadecimal number - Third is the size of the file displayed as a 64 bit lower case hexadecimal number * Deposits all artifacts, the checksum files and the metadata file in the designated output directory, unless absolute paths are given in the XML file. * Finally, and specifically as the last step, a file named "READY" can be written to the output directory. This indicates no further addition or mutation of the data products in the output directory will take place and the CASDA ingest process can begin. This is only done if the *writeREADYfile* parameter is set to *true*. Running the program ------------------- The utility can be run with the following command, where "" is a file containing the configuration parameters described in the next section. :: casdaupload -c Configuration Parameters ------------------------ The configuration file contains a section that declares general information pertaining to the observation, followed by the declaration of specific artifacts to be archived. See the The required parameters are: +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |**Parameter** |**Type** |**Default** |**Description** | +=============================+================+=================+================================================+ |outputdir |string |None |Base directory where artifacts will be | | | | |deposited. A directory will be created within | | | | |the "outputdir" named per the "sbid" parameter | | | | |described below. For example, if the "outputdir"| | | | |is /foo/bar and the "sbid" is 1234 then the | | | | |directory /foo/bar/1234 will be created and all | | | | |artifacts, plus the metadata file, will be | | | | |copied there. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |useAbsolutePaths |bool |true |Whether paths to the artifacts are given as | | | | |absolute paths (true), or as simple filenames in| | | | |the output directory. If true, the artifacts | | | | |with absolute paths will *not* be copied to the | | | | |output directory. However, even if true, the | | | | |measurement set tarballs will still be copied. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |clobberTarfile |bool |false |When a MS.tar file exists, a new one will not be| | | | |created unless this parameter is set to true. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |telescope |string |None |Name of the telescope that produced the | | | | |artifacts | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |sbid |string |None |Primary scheduling block id for the observation | | | | |that these artifacts relate to | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |sbids |vector of |None |List of all scheduling block ids that contribute| | |strings | |to the observation. The primary sbid, given by | | | | |sbid (above) is *not* listed in this list, and | | | | |the primary must be the lowest-number SBID. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |obsprogram |string |None |Observation program which the scheduling block | | | | |relates to | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |obsStart |string |None |Start time of the observation. This needs to be | | | | |in 'FITS' format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (note the | | | | |'T' in the middle), where the time is in | | | | |UTC. This parameter needs to be given if there | | | | |are no measurement sets provided, but if there | | | | |are, it is ignored. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |obsEnd |string |None |End time of the observation, with formatting as | | | | |for obsStart. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |writeREADYfile |bool |false |A flag indicating whether to write the READY | | | | |file to the output directory. For now, the | | | | |default is not to write it, meaning it is up to | | | | |the user to set the READY file so that CASDA | | | | |knows to import the data. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |images.artifactlist |vector |None |(Optional) A list of keys defining image | | | | |artifact entries that appear in the parameter | | | | |set | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |catalogues.artifactlist |vector |None |(Optional) A list of keys defining catalogue | | | | |artifact entries that appear in the parameter | | | | |set | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |measurementsets.artifactlist |vector |None |(Optional) A list of keys defining measurement | | | | |set artifact entries that appear in the | | | | |parameter set | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ |evaluation.artifactlist |vector |None |(Optional) A list of keys defining evaluation | | | | |artifact entries that appear in the parameter | | | | |set | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------+ Then for each artifact declared within any of the "artifactlists" the following parameter set entries must be present: +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |**Parameter** |**Type** |**Default** |**Description** | +=============================+================+=================+================================================================================+ |.filename |string |None |Filename (either relative or fully qualified with a path) for the artifact | | | | | | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |.type |string |None |This is only valid for catalogue or image artifacts. This refers to the type of | | | | |catalogue or image being uploaded. For catalogues, it must be one of the | | | | |following: 'continuum-island', 'continuum-component', 'polarisation-component', | | | | |'spectral-line-emission' or 'spectral-line-absorption'. The full list of image | | | | |types can be found at | | | | | | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |.format |string |pdf |This is only valid for evaluation artifacts. This defines the format that the | | | | |file in question is presented in. Accepted values of format are: 'pdf', 'txt', | | | | |'validation-metrics', 'calibration' or 'tar'. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |.project |string |None |The project identifier (OPAL code) to which this artifact is allocated for | | | | |validation. For the evaluation artifacts this parameter may be present, however | | | | |it is ignored since evaluation reports are not subject to validation. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |.thumbnail_large |string |None |(Optional) This parameter, only used for images, indicates the filename of the | | | | |large thumbnail image. This parameter is not mandatory. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |.thumbnail_small |string |None |(Optional) This parameter, only used for images, indicates the filename of the | | | | |small thumbnail image. This parameter is not mandatory. | +-----------------------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ An image element may have a set of extracted spectral data products associated with it. These could be integrated spectra of detected objects, noise spectra surrounding an object, moment maps of a 3D (spectral-line) source, or Rotation Measure Synthesis outputs. These have the property of allowing the filename and thumbnail filenames to be specified with a wildcard, that is resolved at run-time. The following parameters are used to denote spectra and moment maps. They have the same syntax for each individual set of artifacts. Note the hierarchical structure of the parameters, and see below for examples. +-------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |**Parameter** |**Type** |**Default** |**Description** | +===============================+================+=================+==============================================================================+ |.spectra |vector |None | (Optional) A list of keys defining sets of spectral files to be | | | | | uploaded. These are referred to as in the rows below. | +-------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |.momentmaps |vector |None | (Optional) A list of keys defining sets of moment-map images to be | | | | | uploaded. These are referred to as in the rows below. | +-------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |.cubelets |vector |None | (Optional) A list of keys defining sets of cubelets (cut-outs from the larger| | | | | spectral cube) to be uploaded. These are referred to as in the rows | | | | | below. | +-------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |..filename |string |None | Filename (either relative or fully qualified with a path) for the | | | | | artifact. This may contain wildcards. | +-------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |..type |string |None | This refers to the type of spectral artifact being uploaded. | | | | | The full list of spectral types can be found at | | | | | | +-------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |..thumbnail |string |None | (Optional) This parameter indicates the filename of the thumbnail | | | | | image. This parameter can use wildcards. It is not mandatory, but, if given, | | | | | must resolve to the same number of files as the filename. | +-------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Examples ~~~~~~~~ As an example of declaring artifacts, the below defines two image artifacts, a deconvolved (Cleaned) image and a PSF image: .. code-block:: bash # Declares two images images.artifactlist = [img, psfimg] img.filename = image.clean.i.restored.fits img.project = AS007 psfimg.filename = psf.image.i.clean.fits psfimg.project = AS007 The following example declares four artifacts to be uploaded to CASDA, one for each of the artifact types: image, source catalogue, measurement set and evaluation report. .. code-block:: bash # General outputdir = /scratch2/casda telescope = ASKAP sbid = 1234 sbids = [1235,1236] obsprogram = test # Images images.artifactlist = [image1] image1.filename = image.i.dirty.restored.fits image1.type = cont_restored_2d image1.project = AS007 image1.thumbnail_small = image.i.dirty.restored_small.png # Source catalogues catalogues.artifactlist = [catalogue1] catalogue1.filename = selavy-results.components.xml catalogue1.type = continuum-component catalogue1.project = AS007 # Measurement sets measurementsets.artifactlist = [ms1] ms1.filename = ms1.project = AS007 # Evaluation reports evaluation.artifactlist = [report1] report1.filename = evaluation-report.pdf report1.format = pdf Finally, here is an example where an image has a number of extracted object and noise spectra associated with it. The wildcards provided would match the following images: pol_spec_I_1a.fits, pol_spec_I_2a.fits, pol_spec_I_3a.fits; with associated thumbnails pol_spec_I_1a.png etc. .. code-block:: bash # General outputdir = /scratch2/casda telescope = ASKAP sbid = 1234 sbids = [1235,1236] obsprogram = test writeREADYfile = true # Images - continuum cube and spectral cube images.artifactlist = [image1,image2] image1.filename = image.i.contcube.sb1234.linmos.restored.fits image1.type = cont_restored_3d image1.project = AS033 image1.spectra = [spec,noise] image1.spec.filename = selavy_image.i.contcube.sb1234.linmos.restored/PolData/pol_spec_I*.fits image1.spec.type = cont_restored_i image1.spec.thumbnail = selavy_image.i.contcube.sb1234.linmos.restored/PolData/pol_spec_I*.png image1.noise.filename = selavy_image.i.contcube.sb1234.linmos.restored/PolData/pol_noise_I*.fits image1.noise.type = cont_noise_i # image2.filename = image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored.fits image2.type = spectral_restored_3d image2.spectra = [spec,noise] image2.spec.filename = selavy_image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored/Spectra/spectrum*.fits image2.spec.type = cont_restored_i image2.spec.thumbnail = selavy_image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored/Spectra/spectrum*.png image2.noise.filename = selavy_image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored/Spectra/noiseSpectrum*.fits image2.noise.type = cont_noise_i image2.momentmaps = [mom0,mom1,mom2] image2.mom0.filename = selavy_image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored/Moments/moment0*.fits image2.mom0.type = spectral_restored_mom0 image2.mom1.filename = selavy_image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored/Moments/moment1*.fits image2.mom1.type = spectral_restored_mom1 image2.mom2.filename = selavy_image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored/Moments/moment2*.fits image2.mom2.type = spectral_restored_mom2 image2.cubelets = [cubelet] image2.cubelet.filename = selavy_image.i.cube.sb1234.linmos.restored/Cubelets/cubelet*.fits image2.cubelet.type = spectral_restored_3d