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How to use ATLOD


ATLOD has a long list of adverbs, and I will discuss them all and in the order in which they list in AIPS. Note that if you have a large number of sources to load in one go (i.e. more than 400), please alert either myself or Henrietta May so that we can ensure that there is adequate internal storage in ATLOD for your needs.

  1. Input file specification adverbs

  2. Output file specification adverbs

  3. Action selection adverb

  4. Data selection adverbs
  5. Output file control adverbs
  6. The APARM array
  7. The BPARM array
  8. The CPARM array
  9. The XYPHASE array

    This adverb is offered for you to enter one number per antenna and frequency for the tex2html_wrap_inline5602 values that you choose from the pltsys plots if you require them. We no longer recommend application of tex2html_wrap_inline5604 in ATLOD.

    However, the tex2html_wrap_inline5606 editing option (see aparm(10)) is still useful, and this is the only case now for which you should enter values into this array.

    You must enter one phase difference (in degrees) for each of the six antennas in the array, regardless of how many antennas were in your observation. Naturally, the values that you insert for antennas that you do not have are arbitrary. If you have observed at more than one frequency (e.g., 3 and 6 cm), then you must enter these values for all frequencies. First, you enter the six numbers for the first frequency observed, and then the six numbers for the second frequency observed, and so on. They must be in the correct frequency order as encountered and loaded in the observation. You could check this by listing a bit of your data (optype='list') and seeing what order the frequencies arrive in.

    tex2html_wrap_inline5608 Except for tex2html_wrap_inline5610 editing, I suggest you set xyphase=0.

  10. The DPARM array

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