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Single-source files

You must have already applied the calibration and editing tables (CL, BP, FG) with SPLIT before you attempt to run CVEL on a single-source file. You can supply the velocity information in two ways. Either it is in the header as the alternative definition already (via SETJY and SPLIT) or you can supply it with the aparm adverb. Whatever you supply with aparm(1) to aparm(6) overides anything already in the header.

inname,inclass Input visibility file
outname,outclass Shifted visibility file
timerang =0 Select all times
subarray =0 Shift all subarrays
aparm(1)=5353E3 Specify velocity at
aparm(2)=256 this channel in
aparm(3)=0 or 1 this reference frame and
aparm(4)=0 or 1 this velocity definition
aparm(5)=1667.0E6 Rest frequency of line

You have now produced a shifted data base. CVEL will have told you (unless you set aparm(8)=1) if it considered any of the shifts to be unduly large. You can use POSSM to check some spectra before and after the shift (if you have a strong line that is seen easily). The frequency axis will be left labelled as it originally was (otherwise you will be unable to combine it with like data with DBCON\ (see § 14). You should be aware that this frequency axis description is now meaningless, as each spectrum has been shifted relative to every other one. It is the velocity description that is now meaningful, although, as mentioned above, only a velocity axis in the radio definition is entirely self-consistent.

There is a somewhat nasty-in-principle but generally negligible-in-practice side-effect of all this shifting about of visibilities, when it comes to imaging the data. As mentioned above, the labelling of the frequency axis is now less than precise. However, it is very important that the imaging tasks know how to work out the frequency of each channel. This is because the baseline coordinates, u and v, are stored in wavelengths at the reference frequency, tex2html_wrap_inline5822. When the visibilities at each channel are Fourier transformed into an image, the imaging task must be able to compute what u and v are for that channel from the reference values, tex2html_wrap_inline5824 and tex2html_wrap_inline5826. Before CVEL is run, this is straightforward given the channel number, reference pixel, reference frequency, frequency increment, tex2html_wrap_inline5828 and tex2html_wrap_inline5830. But after CVEL this simplicity is lost. There is no scale factor that can be applied to tex2html_wrap_inline5832 and tex2html_wrap_inline5834 (which are stored in each visibility), so that a correct u and v would be computed for each channel from the mislabelled frequency axis. This problem is not addressed by AIPS, but as shown below, it doesn't generally matter because in practice the error is usually negligible.

In one dimension, the baseline coordinate is tex2html_wrap_inline5836. Let us define a true tex2html_wrap_inline5838 computed from the true frequency at that channel, tex2html_wrap_inline5840, and a false tex2html_wrap_inline5842 computed from the false frequency, tex2html_wrap_inline5844 as given by the mislabelled header. Each visibility has been shifted by some amount, tex2html_wrap_inline5846, so that tex2html_wrap_inline5848. Therefore, the error you make in computing u with the wrong frequency is tex2html_wrap_inline5852. Now, what really counts is whether this would cause the visibility to fall into a different (u,v) cell when you grid the visibilities ready for the FFT. The size of a grid cell is tex2html_wrap_inline5856 where tex2html_wrap_inline5858 is the image cell size in radians, and tex2html_wrap_inline5860 is the longest spacing. Therefore, if we confine our interest to the longest baseline where the effect is worst, tex2html_wrap_inline5862, and the fractional error is


Now about the largest shift of the spectrum that you should encounter is that caused by making observations six months apart, so a shift of 30 km/s is an upper limit. This gives tex2html_wrap_inline5864 so that


For a maximum image size of 4096 pixels, this leads to tex2html_wrap_inline5866. Thus, in general, one can ignore the error, although for very large images and a need for high dynamic range, you might start to incur a small effect.

Last update : 03/03/94


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