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Now you can image the data. HORUS and UVMAP both Fourier transform the visibilities and create a dirty image and a dirty beam. Alternatively, you could use MX which images and optionally deconvolves with CLEAN. MX can image up to 16 fields in the primary beam simultaneously (hence its name, because the MX missile makes [or used to] multiple warheads) whereas UVMAP and HORUS can only do one at a time. I recommend that you do not deconvolve (CLEAN or MEM) blindly. Until you become familiar with the source that you are imaging, always make a dirty image first and inspect it for emission. You can tell MX to make a dirty image without CLEANing, and then restart it for the CLEAN step later (see § 16). MX\ is very useful for discrete and widely separated emission, because you can use the multi-field capability to make small images centred on the sources of emission, rather than having to make one huge image. MX\ also has advantages in the CLEAN step (see § 16). Note that there is no MX like program in MIRIAD.

The inputs for HORUS, UVMAP, and MX (for just the imaging stage) contain many of the same adverbs, so I will just show the UVMAP adverbs, and any additional ones for the other tasks that might cause confusion. Note of course, that if you use HORUS on a multi-source file, you should turn on the relevant calibration adverbs. You must apply the calibration just as in SPLIT (§ 12), so I will not discuss the calibration adverbs again here. For single-source files, the calibration adverbs should be turned off (as there are no calibration tables to apply anymore) For MX, I will defer discussion of the CLEAN step adverbs to the deconvolution section (except to explain how to turn the CLEAN off). Finally, note that MX also creates what is called a visibility work file. You will need this in the CLEAN step later on, so don't delete it. Now, on with the nitty gritty.

inname,inclass Select the XY sorted
inseq,indisk visibility data
channel=0 For channel 0 data
channel=18 or select channel
nmaps=1 One image only
outname,outdisk Output image name
outseq, outdisk
stokes='I' Image Stokes I
imsize=512,512 Image size (pixels) in x and y (power of 2)
cellsize=1,1 Cell size in arcseconds in x and y
shift=0 Don't shift image centre from phase centre
uvtaper=0 No taper
uvrange=0 Include all baselines
uvwtfn=' ' Uniform or
uvwtfn='na' natural weighting
uvbox=0 Mimimum width for convolution function
dogridcr=1 Must make grid correction
dotv=tex2html_wrap_inline5912 Optionally put gridded data image on TV
zerosp=0 Include total flux density of all
sources in the field if you know it
xtype=5 Convolution function type for
ytype=5 gridding, use spheroidal function
xparm=0 Additional convolution
yparm=0 parameters
baddisk=0 AIPS disks to not put scratch files on

The channel adverbs are slightly different for HORUS. In addition, you have the potential to average IFs together. For example, you may have set the two IFs to observe closely spaced frequencies in the same band and you would like to grid and image them together. Just set optype='sum' and select the desired IFs with bif and eif. If you only select one IF, then optype is ignored.

Turn on the calibration adverbs
for multi-source files
bchan=0 Image only one channel. 0
echan=bchan for channel 0 data, or select
chinc=1 channel explicitly
bif=1 Select IFs to grid together
eif=2 and set the optype
optype='sum' to grid IFs together

Because MX can make up to 16 images at once, some of the adverbs are used slightly differently. Note that shift is replaced by rashift and decshift, which allow you to specify a shift for each field, the number of which is given by nfield. You might want to use this option if it is not possible to fit all the emission present in the primary beam into one reasonably sized image (1024 pixels or less), and the emission is reasonably discrete. The channel adverbs are different again too. Once again you can grid IFs together, but this time, you just need to specify them with bif and eif, there is no equivalent to the optype adverb of HORUS.

in2name,in2class Name of visibility work file; leave blank
in2seq,in2disk when imaging only
bif=2 Select desired IF
bchan=0 Image only one channel. 0
echan=bchan for channel 0 data, or select
chinc=1 channel explicitly
npoints=1 One image only
channel=0 No CLEAN restart
nfield=1 Just one field for beginners
fldsize=0 For CLEAN step only
rashift=0 Don't shift image centre
decshift=0 from phase centre
niter=0 Don't CLEAN yet

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