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This section is only relevant for self calibration of images that have not been made with multi-frequency synthesis techniques. That is, you have just one channel (usually channel 0) that you are imaging and self calibrating, not a band of channels. For self calibration of multi-frequency synthesis images, you should use MIRIAD.

The task you will need for self-calibration is CALIB. Once again, I have provided some procedures to help you do self-calibration with a reduced set of CALIB's inputs. There is one procedure for multi-source files called ATMCAL, and one for single-source files called ATSCAL. If these are insufficient for your purposes, you know what to do.

When you self-calibrate with a multi-source file, all you do is produce a new CL table for application to the data; first you run CALIB to generate the solutions, and then you interpolate them to a CL table with CLCAL in the usual way. This means that the fundamental time scale on which you can alter the gains is the CL table entry interval. ATLOD builds the CL table with 3-minute intervals. You may have something different if you have rebuilt it with INDXR (it defaults to 5-minute intervals).

On the other hand, with single-source files, each application of CALIB\ produces a new and corrected data base. This has the advantage that, because there are no CL tables with single-source files, the fundamental time scale on which you can correct the gains is the integration time of the data (usually 10 seconds). The disadvantage is that you must duplicate the data with each pass. If you are working on a large data set, this may cause difficulty according to the available disk space.

  1. Let us continue now with a discussion of some of the adverbs for multi-source self-calibration with ATMCAL. Many of the adverbs have already been discussed in § 8, so I will not cover them all.

    inname,inclass,inseq,indisk Select data base
    sources='0412-23' Select source
    qual=-1 Select all qualifiers or specify
    freqid=2 One run per freqid
    docalib=1 Calibrate data with
    gainuse=2 the correct CL table
    flagver=0 Select flagging table
    in2name,in2class,in2seq,in2disk Select CLEAN image for model
    invers=0 Select CLEAN component file version
    ncomp=250 Select number of CLEAN components
    to use for the model
    smodel=1.3,-34.2,54.3 Use point source model rather
    than CLEAN components
    uvrange=0 Specify uv range to match model
    wtuv=0 Zero weight for points
    outside of uv range
    refant=3 Specify the reference antenna
    solint=1 Solution time in minutes.
    soltyp=' ' Least squares algorithm. If too many
    failed solutions, try 'L1'
    solmode='a&p' Solve for amplitude and phase
    doavg=1 Average XX and YY together

  2. After the new solutions have been generated, examine them, as always, with SNPLT. Once you are happy with the results, apply them to the current CL table and write a new CL table; remember, CL tables are cumulative.

    inname,inclass,inseq,indisk Select input data base
    sources='0412-23',' ' Select source
    calcode=' ' Leave blank
    freqid=1 One freqid per run
    timerang=0 Select time range
    interpol='2pt' Select two point interpolation
    gainver=2 Apply solutions to current CL table
    gainuse=3 and update to next CL table
    refant=3 Select ref. antenna

  3. If you are using single-source files, then use the procedure ATSCAL which has inputs very similar to ATMCAL. I refer you to the discussion above for details. The main differences are the inclusion of the output corrected data base adverbs outname, outclass, outseq, and outdisk, and the absence of flagver, gainuse and the need to run CLCAL. Note that an SN table is still generated so that you can inspect the solutions. It is attached to the input data base.

    inname,inclass,inseq,indisk Select data base
    sources='0412-23' Select source
    qual=-1 Select all qualifiers or specify
    freqid=2 One run per freqid
    docalib=1 Calibrate data with
    gainuse=2 the correct CL table
    flagver=0 Select flagging table
    in2name,in2class,in2seq,in2disk Select CLEAN image for model
    invers=0 Select CLEAN component file version
    ncomp=250 Select number of CLEAN components
    to use for the model
    smodel=1.3,-34.2,54.3 Use point source model rather
    than CLEAN components
    outname,outclass,outseq,outdisk Specify output corrected data base
    uvrange=0 Specify uv range to match model
    wtuv=0 Zero weight for points
    outside of uv range
    refant=3 Specify the reference antenna
    solint=1 Solution time in minutes.
    soltyp=' ' Least squares algorithm. If too many
    failed solutions, try 'L1'
    solmode='a&p' Solve for amplitude and phase
    doavg=1 Average XX and YY together

  4. You might also consider the task KALIB. This is a clone of CALIB, but it allows you to specify a uvrange (via the different adverb uvlimit for each subarray in the file (e.g. if you have concatenated configurations together with DBCON you will have several subarrays). With ATCA data, it is often crucial to finely tune the uvrange (e.g. to exclude just one shortest spacing in each configuration) and the uvrange adverb applies to all configurations in the file so that you end up excluding or including spacings undesirably. See the EXPLAIN file for more details.
  5. It may occur that you wish to apply an SN table to a single-source file and write out the corrected visibilities (we apply CL tables to multi-source files and SN tables to single-source files). For example, you may be working on spectral-line data, and there is a strong maser at one channel. You can use this maser, which is easily self-calibrated, to generate solutions that you would then like to apply to say, a continuum data base. You simply copy the SN table to the desired single-source file, and then apply it with SPLIT (although in this case there is no `splitting', just application of the SN table) by setting docalib=1.

Last update : 27/11/93



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