Open a Terminal window, choose where you want to install miriad (this can be your home directory), cd to that directory.
- Download the files miriad-common.tar.bz2 and miriad-darwin_x86_64.tar.bz2 or miriad-darwin_arm64.tar.bz2 (for apple silicon), e.g., with:
curl -O ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/miriad/miriad-darwin_x86_64.tar.bz2
curl -O ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/miriad/miriad-common.tar.bz2
- The above x86 version should work on OSX 10.11 or later.
- The arm64 version is still experimental. You may need to install gfortran libraries and X11/XQuartz. Use brew to install gfortran (brew install gfortran) and if needed set DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the locations of libgfortran.5.dylib and libX11.6.dylib to get it to run. Send feedback to miriad @ atnf.csiro.au.
- Extract the files:
tar xzf miriad-darwin_x86_64.tar.bz2 (or miriad-darwin_arm64.tar.bz2)
tar xzf miriad-common.tar.bz2
- After this there should be a miriad directory with the binary installation. We just need to fix the MIRRC script to make it work. Cut and paste the following incantations:
cd miriad
export MIR=`pwd`
sed -e "s,@MIRROOT@,$MIR," scripts/MIRRC.sh.in > MIRRC.sh
chmod 644 MIRRC.sh
cd ..
- Execute the MIRRC.sh script and set your PATH:
. miriad/MIRRC.sh
- Now Miriad should be ready to run, change to your data directory and start miriad: e.g.,
cd ~/data
- Every time you start a new terminal window you need to run the MIRRC.sh script again, to avoid this add the MIRRC and export PATH lines above at the end of your ~/.bash_profile startup file.
- If the miriad command works, try typing atlod to check it can find the command. If things don't work, send me the terminal output so I can try to figure out what is going on.
- Some things to check:
echo $PATH
- this should show the miriad directory in the executable search PATH
which atlod
- should show the location of the atlod binary, in you newly extracted miriad tree
- If all works fine, enjoy using Miriad, and every now and then (and especially before reporting bugs) update to the latest version by repeating the download and extract steps above in the same directory you installed Miriad. Note that if you have an atnf unix account you can just type
to update your installation (or mirsync -u abc123
where abc123 is your atnf account name).
- If you get a message about a missing X11 library you need to install XQuartz.