[ Basic Info | User Guide ]
Basic Information on atwvr
Task: atwvr
Purpose: Correct phases using WVR data
Categories: uv analysis
ATWVR applies phase corrections derived from WVR measurements
Key: vis
The input visibility file to correct. No default.
Key: out
The output corrected file. No default.
Key: wvrphase
A text file containing the phase corrections.
Format : time (yymmmdd:hh:mm:ss), phase (6x).
Prepending a '-' to the file name will negate the phases.
Key: offset
Offset of phase correction time stamps vs data time stamps.
Key: uvrange
Range of uv distance to apply the corrections over in meters(!).
Defaults to all data. First value defaults to zero,
second value defaults to infinity.
Key: log
Name of log file. If specified it will list the phases
applied to each baseline
Generated by miriad@atnf.csiro.au on 04 Dec 2018