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Basic Information on gpplt
Task: gpplt
Purpose: Plot and list gain and polarization correction terms.
Categories: calibration
GpPlt is a MIRIAD task which plots and lists antenna gain and
polarization terms. The plot for gains is against time. The
plot for polarization characteristics is against antenna number.
Key: vis
The name of the input data-set. This will normally be a visibility
data-set. No default.
Key: device
The PGPLOT plotting device to use. The default is no plot.
Key: log
The log to give a listing of the gains and polarization terms. The
default is no log.
Key: yaxis
This specifies what is to be plotted/listed. Several values can be
given, separated by commas. Minimum match is used:
amp Plot/list amplitudes. This is the default if the gains
are being plotted/listed, and nothing else is requested.
phase Plot/list phases.
real Plot/list the real parts. This is the default if the
polarization terms are being plotted/listed, and nothing
else is requested.
imag Plot/list the imaginary parts.
If nothing is given, "amp" is assumed.
Key: options
Thus gives some extra processing options. Several values can be
given, separated by commas. Minimum match us used.
gains Plot/list the gains vs time. This is the default if
nothing else is requested.
xygains Plot/list the ratio of X gain to Y gain.
xbyygain Plot/list the product of X gain by Y gain.
polarization Plot/list the leakages vs antenna number.
2polarization Plot/list the second leakages vs antenna number.
delays Plot/list the delays vs time.
speccor Plot/list the spectral correction vs time.
bandpass Plot/list the bandpass shape vs frequency.
dots Plot things as dots (rather than chunky circles).
dtime Give time in days and fractions of a day. This is more
useful for listing files which are to be passed into
some other analysis or plotting tool.
wrap Don't unwrap phase plots
Key: nxy
Number of plots in the x and y directions. The default is 2,2.
Key: select
A subset of the normal uv-selection parameters. They are not
entirely consisently used. Antenna and time selection is supported
for gains. Time selection is supported for delay and spectral
correction. Antenna and frequency selection is supported for
bandpasses. The default is to select everything.
Key: yrange
The min and max range along the y axis of the plots. By default
gpplt autoscales. If the ``yrange'' parameter is given, then this
range is used on ALL plots. So it may not make much sense to
plot different sorts of quantities (e.g. amplitude and phases)
when explicitly giving the plot range.
Generated by miriad@atnf.csiro.au on 03 Jun 2021