[ Basic Info | User Guide ]
Basic Information on imcmp
Task: imcmp
Purpose: Compare two images
Categories: map analysis
IMCMP is a MIRIAD task to compare two images. The maps must have
the same dimensions.
The two images are compared on a pixel by pixel basis, within a
user defined region.
Key: in1
The first input image. No default
Key: in2
The second input image. No default
Key: region
Region to select data to compare. Only pixels where both input
maps were unmasked will be compared. Only a rectangular region
of interest is supported.
Key: cut
Cutoff applied to data. By default not used, all data used.
Key: tol
Tolerance when comparing the absolute difference between the two
maps on pixel by pixel basis. Default: 0
Key: device
PGPLOT Plotting device. Default: no plot.
Key: limx
Minimum and maximum for plotting the pixel values of image 1.
Default: autoscaling.
Key: limy
Minimum and maximum for plotting the pixel values of image 2
Default: autoscaling.
Key: log
File in which to write the data (as two columns).
Default: no logfile.
Generated by miriad@atnf.csiro.au on 21 Jun 2016