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Basic Information on mfplan

Task: mfplan
Purpose: Determine good frequency setups for multi-frequency synthesis.
Categories: utility

        MFPLAN helps determine observing frequencies for multi-frequency
        synthesis experiments with the ATCA.

Key: freq
        Frequency bands (in GHz) to search for good mfs setups. This consists
        of a number of pairs of frequencies, giving the lower and upper
        limits on bands appropriate for observing. Several bands will often
        be given to avoid frequencies which suffer from interference
        or birdies. The nominal frequency bands of the AT receivers are:
          1.35,1.78    (L band)
          2.20,2.50    (S band)
          4.544,6.336  (C band)
          8.00,9.20    (X band)
        The default is 4.544,6.336.

Key: nfreq
        Number of frequencies per configuration. Generally 2 or 4 are
        the most usual numbers for the ATCA. Default is 2.

Key: nants
        Number of antennae to use. Sensible values are either 5 or 6.
        Default is 6.

Key: config
        Array configuration. Several values can be given. Valid values are:
        3.0a (6.0a), 3.0b (6.0b), 3.0c (6.0c), 3.0d (6.0d), 1.5a, 1.5b,
        1.5c, 1.5d, 0.75a, 0.75b, 0.75c, 0.75d, 0.375, 0.122. These correspond
        to the 14 standard ATCA configurations.

Key: fixed
        List of fixed frequencies that are fixed (not varied) by MFPLAN.
        Usually these correspond to frequencies used in completed
        observations. The first "nfreq" frequencies will be
        associated with the first configuration, the second "nfreq"
        frequencies correspond to the second configuration, etc.
        The default is that all frequencies are varied.

Key: options
        Extra processing options. Several can be given, separated by commas.
        Minimum match is used. Possible values are:
          no128    Frequencies that are multiples of 128 MHz are to be
                   avoided. All resulting frequencies are odd multiples
                   of 64 MHz.
          infinity Minimise the worst gap in the uv coverage. The default
                   is to minimise the rms gap in the uv coverage. The
                   infinity option is the best option if you have very good
                   uv coverage. Otherwise it produces poorer results.
          colours  Plot each configuration with a different colour

Key: device
        PGPLOT device. If this is given, then a plot of the u-v coverage
        is made. Default is no plot.

Generated by miriad@atnf.csiro.au on 21 Jun 2016