Flint is a FORTRAN program checker. It aims at uncovering programming
bugs and bad programming practises. Given FORTRAN source as input, Flint
produces warnings on the terminal and in a listing file (flint.log).
Flint checks for variables which are unused, uninitialized or
undeclared. It also checks that the number, type and intent of arguments
passed to a subroutine remains consistent amongst all calls (an arguments
intent is whether its value is input to, or output from a routine).
flint [-acdfhjkrsux2?] [-I incdir] [-o file] [-l] file ...
There are many command line switches (though the defaults are usually adequate).
Invoking Flint with the ``?'' switch causes it to print out brief information
about Flint, and all the command line switches. For example:
flint -?
will give some help information.
Miriad manager