This suite has many common keywords and much common functionality. We describe briefly now some of the common keywords, although not all the tasks in the suite use them in all possible ways. Refer to the individual help files to see what each task offers. Specific uses by cgspec will be described in Chapter 19. Note that minimum match is usually accepted for the value of keywords. Each keyword usually defaults to the same value in all tasks, but you should again refer to the help files for details.
You can bin up the two spatial axes of an image independently, and
you can enter up to 4 values, 2 for each axis specifying the increment
and binning size. As an example, xybin=4,4,3,1 would bin up the
image by 4 pixels in the x direction and pick out every third pixel
in the y direction. If the binning size is not unity, it must
equal the increment.
The channels available are those designated by the region
keyword. A new group of channels (sub-plot) is started if there is a
discontinuity in the region selected channels (such as region=image(10,20),image(22,30). The combination of the region
and chan determines how many sub-plots there will be.
The first two values indicate the range of pixel values
(intensities) to map onto the lookup table. Pixels with values outside
this range will be represented with the colour of the nearest extremum.
Thus, if the image was being displayed with a simple linear black and
white transfer function on an interactive device, range=-0.2,
2.0 would cause all pixels with values below -0.2 to come out
black, all pixels with values greater than 2.0 to come out white, and
all pixels in between that range to have shades of grey from black to
The third argument of range allows you to specify a
transfer function so that the pixel values can be mapped onto the lookup
table in some way other than linearly. Allowed values are lin,sqr,log,heq for linear, square root, logarithmic and histogram
equalisation transfer functions respectively. Histogram equalisation can be very
handy for images which have a large dynamic range. What this does is
use the device colour levels for pixel values which occur the most
The fourth argument of range is an integer between 1 and
9 specifying the type of lookup table. The available tables are 1
(b&w), 2 (spectrum colours), 3 (linear pseudo colour), 4 (floating zero
colour contours), 5 (fixed zero colour contours), 6 (rgb), 7
(background), 8 (heat) and 9 (absolute b&w) . If you enter a negative
integer, then the reversed lookup table is displayed.
Fixed zero colour contours fix a colour boundary (blue-green)
at 0 intensity, with 4 colour pairs ([light blue, light green], [dark
blue, dark green], [purple,yellow], [black,orange]) distributed positive and
negative of 0. There are then two more colours (red and white) for the
remaining positive intensity values. Once you have arranged the colour
pairs so that they define the noise level, the red and white colours
quickly show you the true signal. You need to use options=fiddle
to get the scaling to the noise level right.
Note that in cgdisp, you can enter a group of 4 values
for each subplot that is drawn. This is useful for hardcopy output, as
you can have an individual scaling and lookup table for each
subplot. For example, you may have made a ``cube'' with unlike
quantities in different planes (total intensity, polarised intensity,
fractional polarisation, rotation measure etc) and it would be
impossible to display them all with just one set of 4 values for the
range keyword.
The following figure shows the possible colour table types for
a simple image. The colour bars or wedges show the differences most
Possible values are:
All the offsets are with respect to the reference pixel. Note
that you are expected to match your values with the order of the axes.
For example, if you asked for labtyp=abskms,dms, it is expected
that the first two axes of the image are velocity and declination. You
will get rude messages if this is not the case.
This option allows you to cycle through all of the same colour
tables offered by keyword range (see above), and reverse them if
desired. You can cycle through all of the same pre-defined transfer
functions that are available with keyword range (see above).
In addition, there is an interactive linear transfer function
fiddle mode, where you can change the slope and offset of the linear
transfer function. When you invoke the different transfer function
modes, you get a little plot in the bottom right corner showing you what
the transfer function is doing.
Note that if you are plotting on a hard-copy device such as a
postscript file, this option is then activated with keyboard inputs.
You have the usual ability to cycle through lookup tables and transfer
functions, but you do not get the interactive linear transfer function
fiddler for obvious reasons. This gives you the same functionality as
you could have obtained with the keyword range.
Miriad manager