To inspect the inputs of a task, as well as to select the task, e.g. histo type
miriad% inp histomiriad will show the parameters of the task along with the values, if any, previously set. For example, if, the first time you run miriad, you type:
miriad% inp histomiriad will reply by writing
Task: histo in = region = range = nbin =and will replace the miriad% prompt with a task prompt
histo%indicating that you have chosen the task histo. You can also choose the task histo without using inp by typing:
miriad% task histomiriad will then replace the miriad% prompt with the histo% prompt, but the inputs will not be printed out. Either way a parameter can be set with:
histo% in=gaussRetyping:
histo% inpwill result in miriad replying:
Task: histo in = gauss region = range = nbin =Tasks are run either by typing go taskname at the miriad% prompt (advisable only if you know you like the inputs) or by typing go at the taskname% prompt. Thus, in the above example, typing:
histo% gowould result in the task histo running with in=gauss as the only assigned parameter (all the other parameters would be set to their default values).
Any task can be run regardless of the chosen task, merely by typing:
miriad% go itemizemiriad then executes the task itemize (using whatever input parameters it finds from the lastexit file or a previous run) and changes the default task and prompt to:
Generally miriad waits for the task to finish before it resumes. The -b can be used to tell the operating system to put the task in the background, and allow miriad to be ready immediately for new commands. However the output of the task just started may still return output to the terminal. You can start as many jobs as the operating system will allow.
Miriad manager