Tribute by Shari Breen (CASS)
Shari writes “This picture, featuring Maxim, Lyshia, me and Jim, was taken back in 2009 during one of our many observing trips to Parkes for the Methanol Multibeam Survey. These trips were usually fairly gruelling, often 2 or more weeks of 24 hour observations, not that you’d know it from the smiles on our faces! Observing trips with Jim were always fun. He was so generous with his time and his knowledge, instilling in us an appreciation of observing, telescopes and masers that far surpassed the facts. Inline with the usual spirit of our observing trips, Jim and I used to play a game that we called maser roulette. I would send the telescope off to a maser, Jim would be able to see out the window the rough direction the telescope was pointing as well as a spectrum on SPD. When he’d see the spectrum he would inevitably smile and say “oh, this is a lovely one” and name the maser with ease, recounting the detailed history of each source with an infectious love that he passed onto all of us that were lucky enough to work closely with him.”
Link: Short biography of James (Jim) Caswell who died Jan 14, 2015