by Elizabeth Mahoney (Sydney Uni)

Abstract. In this seminar I will present work I’ve done over the last few years during my previous postdoc position at ASTRON in the Netherlands. During the first half of this talk I will present recent results on jet-driven outflows of gas in the nearby radio galaxy 3C293. While it is generally accepted that the evolution of galaxies and their central SMBH are strongly linked, the feedback mechanisms responsible for this are less clear. Although there are a number of plausible ways that outflows could be produced, recent results have shown that in some cases radio jets could be responsible for driving fast outflows of gas. I will present results from both JVLA radio observations and recent IFU observations where we detect fast outflows (~1200 km/s) being driven by the radio-jet approximately 0.5 kpc from the central core of the AGN.

For the second half of this talk I will shift focus slightly and discuss recent observations of the Lockman Hole field with LOFAR; The LOw Frequency ARray in the Netherlands. The Lockman Hole field is a well-studied extragalactic field that has extensive multi-wavelength ancillary data, essential for characterising the physical and evolutionary properties of the various source populations detected in deep radio fields (mainly star-forming galaxies and AGNs). New LOFAR observations extend the multi-frequency radio information currently available for the Lockman Hole (from 350 MHz up to 15 GHz) down to 60 MHz, allowing us to explore a new spectral window for the faint radio population.