by Jennifer West (University of Toronto)
Abstract. Supernova remnants are known to be important sites of cosmic ray acceleration. Magnetic fields are thought to play a key role in the acceleration mechanism, however, there are many outstanding questions about the geometry of the magnetic fields and the distribution of the cosmic ray electrons in these objects. I will present some of my work on modelling the radio synchrotron emission from supernova remnants. I will show how their magnetic fields may be connected to that of the Galaxy and how the field may evolve as the remnant ages. I will also present a new and unexpected result that suggests how a completely turbulent magnetic field could actually appear ordered. Finally, I will suggest some observational tests that can help unravel the mystery.
Image caption: Color-composite image of the young supernova remnant SN1006, including SUMSS radio (red) , Chandra soft X-ray (green) , and Chandra hard X-ray (purple) .