by Vanessa Moss (ASTRON)

Abstract: In June 2017, I started a job as a telescope scientist at ASTRON, based in the Netherlands. This role is a combination of research and support, which has led to a diverse range of interesting activities I have been involved in over the last 12 months. On the research side, I am a member of the First Large Absorption Survey in HI (FLASH), and within that I am currently PI for a joint HI/X-ray project called SEAFOG (Studies of eROSITA And FLASH Obscured Galaxies). With SEAFOG, we aim to study the properties of dense gas near the cores of active radio galaxies in the context of the feeding and feedback of gas-rich AGN. I am also leading SWISH, the Survey of Weak Intensity Southern HI on Parkes, which aims to uncover the hidden depths of the gaseous Milky Way halo, supported by upcoming follow-up strategies using the Green Bank Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope. I will give an update on progress on these projects over the last year and the exciting future developments to come. Part of my role also involves playing a key role in the support of ASTRON’s facilities, specifically the low-frequency pan-European instrument LOFAR and the upgraded Westerbork Telescope, APERTIF. As part of this talk, I will give an insight into both of these systems, the status of APERTIF commissioning, and my key contributions in this support role over the last year. I’ll also describe what it is like to work at ASTRON, a multi-focused, vibrant and growing institute combining various aspects of research, engineering, software development and operations.