Australia Telescope Users Committee, feedback form

The Feedback Form is No Longer In Use (for Security Reasons)

Dear Colleague,

The Australia Telescope Users Committee (ATUC) presents the views and concerns of users of ATNF facilities to the ATNF management. We provide users the opportunity to communicate with the ATUC at any time, on any issue relating to the use and operation of ATNF facilities. Please send your feedback, either in person, or by email, to any of the committee members. Please note that names and email addresses will be kept confidential and individuals will not be identified in discussions between ATUC and ATNF, unless explicitly requested by a user. Please also note that anonymous submissions will not be considered. Finally, positive comments on the many outstanding aspects of the ATNF's support of users are encouraged. If the ATNF do something that makes you very happy as a user, please tell us!
