The CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarship Program provides enhanced opportunities in science and engineering for up to 60 outstanding graduates enrolling each year at Australian tertiary institutions as full-time postgraduate students for research leading to the award of a PhD. We are looking to support PhD projects in CSIRO’s priority driven core research within our 20 research divisions, including cross-divisional programs; in five current Emerging Science initiatives; and in CSIRO’s new National Flagship programs.

The scholarships are available to PhD students who gain an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or equivalent University award to commence their studies in 2004. The annual top-up stipend is at least $7000, with additional operating funds and a travel grant. Details are provided through the links to scholarship packages.

Applies to any field relevant to ATNF activities: e.g. astrophysics, SKA/LOFAR, interference mitigation and engineering.

More information.